Journal Entry 6

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Dear Typewriter Girl,

I hope you don't mind me calling you that, but you do in fact own a very nice typewriter, so it surely is a compliment.

I write, (my boyfriend is making me add that I am a published author and that I'm seventeen), so when I saw this typewriter I knew I wanted it. I didn't even know its special background, but it was appealing to me.

People are like that too.

You meet people who are physically appealing and their personality is equally appealing, and you feel like you made a touchdown(or a goal, or basket, or won a race).

That's the most beautiful feeling, it's like winning the jackpot, but of relationships. Some people are lucky and strike it rich right away, which is great, but others aren't so lucky.

I met this boy who I thought was my moon on a dark night, but I was mistaken. I admit it, I was head over heels for the guy. I was shy with affection before him but being with him made me come to love and even crave it.

My life was great, he was my first love, and I was in way over my head, but I loved life.

Then things changed. Things began to "fall apart" as you put it.

My boyfriend ended things between us. He said that he just didn't have the same feelings anymore. I didn't understand. The boy I loved didn't feel the same anymore.


At first I was sad, then angry, then I understood. You can choose who you love or in this case, unlove, it just happens.

I took up writing a lot more after that. In the end, I guess you could say that my heartbreak lead to my book being published. Something even better came from it too.

I met this boy a while later who is incredible. Our first meeting was at the movie theater when he spilled the container of straws. It wasn't immediate, but a more gradual process of falling in love.

I won't tell you his name, but he told me to tell you he gives his best wishes for your situation. We're currently cuddling in my bed right now while I write this, which makes this letter so much more true.

But this boy came into my life when I had locked a big part of my feelings away. He took the time to figure me out, and I am so grateful.

The main point is that I was devastated when my first love left and my world practically fell apart, but in that time I met someone new who made things better. I wish I could've told my old self that this would happen.

That when a bad thing happened, everything would fall apart so better could fall together.

This boy now, is my path to a new life, he's my chance to begin again.

With love,

Hope (typewriter owner #7)

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