Journal Entry 2

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My mother left my father, brothers, and I when I was four. I have yet to see or talk to her since. I probably should have started with an introduction; I've never been good with first impressions. I guess I'll make an attempt though.

Dear Typewriter Girl,

My father bought this for me because he thought I needed a way to express myself and get my emotions out. He watches too many doctor shows, I swear.

He's wonderful though, and I can never express to him just how grateful I am of him. The same goes for my four older brothers.

I know what you're thinking, poor girl. Truthfully I love it. It helps me save time from a lot of wasted relationships. Usually if they're scared of my brothers and refuse to come over, chances are, they aren't worth my time.

I also have an incredible best friend and before you ask, he is a guy and no, we do not have a thing for each other. He's just always there to pick me up when other boys let me down. We also might have made a marriage pact, if you will, that if we're not married at 35 we will marry each other. How that happened is a whole other story though.

Sometimes people ask me if not having a mom is hard and then apologize when they realize how rude the question came out (their words, not mine). But sometimes it is, you don't get to experience a mother's eternal love.

It's not too bad though because I can't get into fights with her, and I mean, my father and brothers are all I could ever need. Oh and my best friend Drew, too. Hey that rhymed.

I think I appreciate the world more than others because of it though. Little things make me smile. I can be a little aggressive, but I'm a sucker for cuddling. I'm thankful I'm alive.

Although boys may be one of the most confusing things on the planet. My brothers don't count, I have them all figured out down to a science. I may or may not have them wrapped around my finger.

I think I might just take a break from dating for a while. None of the relationships are working out, and I don't want to keep feeling like something is wrong with me and that I'm the issue. Drew keeps telling me that I'm not, but I don't quite believe him. I'm sure my dad will be thrilled by the idea though. He keeps complaining his little girl is growing up too fast, but I always tell him we can't stay young forever.

A tip to you and all girls out there, no matter how many times someone may make you think different, you don't need a man to be happy. At the same time that doesn't mean you can't be happy while being with one. You are fully capable of being happy on your own. You're your own happy ending, so always do what's best for yourself in the end.

Yours truly,

Alex (typewriter owner #3)

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