Taking Flight

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As a chilly wind blew and the clouds grew darker and darker, the flock continued on their journey. They couldn't stop now.
Soon enough, they arrived at a cliff. Below was the city, and further ahead was the mountains.
Red came up with a plan as Terence planted the slingshot into the ground.
"If we're going to get to the castle, some of us will have to stay behind to hold the pigs off," Red announced.
"I wish we bought more birds," Bomb said nervously.
"You took the words right out of my mouth," Chuck replied. "There's hundreds of pigs out there, and only... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... ten of us!"
The Blues began pulling themselves back with the slingshot.
"Boys, you can't go out there!" Matilda told the Blues, her voice firm but gentle. "It's too dangerous!"
The Blues didn't listen. They just launched themselves anyway. As they began to fall, they split up and crashed into windows, causing all three buildings to crumble.
"Oh, those kids are good," Red thought. "Okay, Matilda. You're next."
Bomb and Chuck pulled the slingshot back and Matilda prepared herself.
"Aren't you nervous?" Silver asked.
"Quite the opposite!" Matilda growled.
"Okay, then," Red muttered. "Fire!"
Matilda was flying through the air. As she started to fall, she prepared herself.
"Bada bing, bada BOOM!!!" she screamed as she launched an explosive egg from her butt.
Tony launched himself and just went straight down, causing a mini earthquake.
The rest of the flock noticed that the pigs were panic. Now was the time to try for the castle.
"Do you want to go ahead or should I?" Silver asked Red.
"No, you can go," he replied.
Silver was terrified, but she was going to go for it.
Terence pulled the slingshot as far back as possible without breaking it.
"Ready?" Red shouted. "Fire!"
Silver screamed as she flew through the air. Then she curled up into a ball as she headed straight for the castle. Now was her chance. Silver straightened out her body, gave her wings a flap, and made a giant loop into the air. She crashed through a stone wall using her skull.
"That'll leave a mark," she muttered, rubbing her head.

"You idiots!" Leonard yelled at his pigs. "You let them escape?!"
"It was the abominable snowbird, boss!" one pig argued.
"He was gonna rip us to shreds!" Ross added.
As Leonard scolded his minions, Ruby, looking through the window, saw Silver crashing in. Since the pigs were distracted anyway, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

"I'm in!" Silver yelled, her voice echoing through the mountains.
"Okay, Terence," Red said. "I need you to aim for the exact same spot, okay?"
Terence nodded and pulled the slingshot back.
"If something goes wrong, get the others, okay?" Red asked Terence, who nodded. "Ready? Fire!"
Red was launched into the air and hurdling towards the castle. He was hoping to crash through the window, but he just missed. Fortunately, he grabbed the edge of the window and held on, hoping someone would help him. Much to his luck, Silver saw him, shattered the glass, and pulled him up.
"Thanks, kid," Red groaned.
"I heard voices down the hall," Silver informed him. "They said the eggs are downstairs."
"Atta girl, Silver," Red replied. "Come on!"
Eventually, Chuck and Bomb joined the two and they found the room. Only for it to be locked and guarded.
"What's the plan?" Chuck asked.
"See that dial with the numbers?" Silver instructed. "One of us needs to spin it in the correct order of numbers. It could be anything. Red, Bomb, you will help me hold the pigs off. Chuck, you have to find the combination. Okay?"
"Got it," Chuck replied.
"Uh, guys?" Bomb alerted. "Where's Red?"

While Silver was explaining the plan, Red noticed Ruby sneaking up on them. So, he started to attack her, but it was pretty clear she's had more brawls than he probably ever will. Eventually, she beat him.
"Any last words?" she whispered in his ear.
"Don't do this," Red pleaded. "I know you don't care, but you should. Those eggs have families that want to watch them hatch and grow. What if one of those eggs was yours? Would you really let those pigs eat your child?! Please, help us."
Ruby glared at him, her eyes narrow, and...

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