PearlShipping: Ash X Dawn

Start from the beginning

Tanks for the Memories! Dawn witnesses Ash leaving to train with his Pokémon and follows out of curiosity. Later, Dawn finds herself inspired by Ash's training, but, reflecting upon her recent Contest failure, suddenly begins crying. Ash, upon noticing Dawn's tears, asks whether she is okay and whether she has something in her eyes, the latter inquiry an (albeit faulty) assumption to which Dawn quickly agrees. Eager to avoid the possibility of having him worry over her, Dawn immediately follows this exchange with an invitation to snack on ice cream. A hungry and clueless Ash eagerly accepts.

Lost Leader Strategy! Dawn attempts to convince Maylene to take up Gym Leading again, perhaps finding herself able to relate with the Gym Leader's confidence issues. Dawn admits to Maylene that she wonders if her Contests are holding Ash back, suggesting the possibility that she may worry for his success almost as much as she worries for her own.

A Triple Fighting Chance! For the second time, Dawn cheers for Ash and his Pokémon in her cheerleading outfit. She even goes so far as to include some dancing, and also continues to cheer while it's raining.

Enter Galactic! Ash asserts that his victory over Maylene owes to the training Dawn undertook with Buizel when it was still in her possession. Dawn quickly blushes and responds somewhat sheepishly, "Well, let's just say that I was going to do anything I could to see an awesome Gym Battle between Ash and Maylene!"

Our Cup Runneth Over! At the episode's start Dawn comments on how Ash does very well in training his Pokémon and notes that "Ash is incredible!" Also when Wallace talks about the importance of love between the trainers and their Pokemon, Dawn agrees and looks straight at Ash as if she just realized something that involves him. Ash then looks back at her in confusion.

Staging a Heroes' Welcome! Dawn seems impressed while watching Ash's performance in the Wallace Cup. Later, she meets Ash in the hallway while going to the stage and, very similarly to the DP011's scene, she has a high-five with Ash.

Pruning a Passel of Pals! Dawn is proud of Ash because he and Buizel, by turning the opponent's Ice Beam against it, successfully pulled off the Aqua Jet-Ice Beam combination, "Ice Aqua Jet."

Dawn had previously attempted to perform this combination with Buizel in A Stand-Up Sit-Down!. Chim-Charred! Ash tries to restrain his Blaze induced raging Chimchar and his Pokémon bites him on his right shoulder. Dawn attempts to run to Ash's side, but is blocked by Brock. She protests to Brock that Ash needs help, but Brock tells Dawn to let Ash handle Chimchar.

Cream of the Croagunk Crop! In another scene, Dawn becomes so frightened by the numerous advancing Croagunk that she clutches Ash's arm and hides behind him.

Hungry for the Good Life! Dawn tells Monica that Ash "won an amazing victory at the Pastoria Gym" and how she admires all of his success as a trainer.

Dealing With Defensive Types! When Byron's Gym assistant exclaims that Byron has the upper hand during Ash and Byron's gym battle, Dawn angrily objects, "I am telling you you're wrong! Ash is going to win it for sure!" thereby revealing how confident she is in Ash's abilities.

Hold The Phione! When Ash asks Dawn which Pokémon she will use in the upcoming Pokémon Contest, Dawn responds with a wink, slyly asking him, "Well who do you think I would use?"

Old Rivals, New Tricks! Dawn states that she wants to enter Ambipom in the Sandalstraw Contest so that it might win for both her and Ash.

Uncrushing Defeat! Ash, upset over his Pokémon team's injuries, runs off. Dawn, concerned, attempts to follow but is stopped by Brock. Nevertheless, Dawn later puts on a complex show for Ash, trying hard to improve Ash's mood and self-confidence. While Ash is initially oblivious to the Dawn's motivations, Nurse Joy soon informs him that Dawn went through so much trouble solely on behalf of him and his Pokémon.

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