Chapter 29: Bows

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Chapter 29: Bows

...Or vows. You can decide after reading. Muehehehe~


[Blackstar's POV]

The next room... Wasn't much. It's just the throne room, and a few picture frames here and there... The next one after that was... Well, already the rooftop.

"It's pretty refreshing here." (y/n) said, smiling slightly as she stared at the horizon. The rooftop was empty, which made the area look so spacious... But with the cracks around the ground, hell, I don't want to run around here.

Wind was blowing gently against both of us. The sun was still up, but light barely made it to the ground. The dark clouds I mentioned earlier were starting to grow darker and darker...

"It's going to rain, soon." I sighed, watching the princess from the edge of the rooftop, smiling dreamily.

"So ?" She responded, not even turning to look. I shrugged, deciding to sit on the balcony she placed her elbows on, and look behind to see the view of the horizon.

"We should leave soon. Can't let you get soaked, can I ?"

"Come on." (y/n) rolled her eyes, and laughed. "I'm not going to oe sick with just that. I'll be fine. We should play under the rain !"

"What game, then ?"

"...Uh..." She paused before shrugging. "Well... Tag ?"

"Don't make plans yet, dummy. It's not even raining---"

A loud swoosh of air. After that, heavy droplets of water rained down on both of us.


(y/n) laughed, actually jumping up and down as she looked up at the sky. "I'll be fine, you idiot." She said, before suddenly attacking my nose.

"O-oy ! Don---"

"You're it !" She said, then ran back with a giggle.

Tag, huh...

Fine then.

I grinned, and ran ahead, chasing after the princess. To be honest, with her speed, I can grab her and even do ten cartwheels before she even realizes it but, oh well. Let her have fun, I guess.

The rain poured down harder. But that just made things more awesome.

Before any of us realized, we were having fun. Too much fun, even. Up to the point she fell over in a mix of laughter and wheezing.

Me ? I'm not even warmed up yet. Yeesh.

"You okay ?" I asked, going over to her. I watched her nod, calming down from laughing but still gasping for air. "Y-yeah... Just... I've never ran so much before..."

"Well, you did now... Are you happy ?"

She grinned. "Too happy."

Like I said, the rain just made everything much better. I had an excuse to touch her face and move her hair away. And I had an excuse to pick her up.

So I did.

"H-hey ! What are you doing---put me down !" She huffed, staring up at me with a slight glare.

"Chill down, princess." I chuckled going over to the balcony. "You're still busy, right ? Get your breathing pattern back."


"Shh." I clamped down her lips with my hand.

Great, I now have an excuse for touching her lips.

The Royal Runt (Blackstar x Reader) [AU]Where stories live. Discover now