Chapter 13: Reunion

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[Blackstar's POV]

I dragged (y/n) away from the town's middle part---the dance floor. It's near evening, and I can already see the crowd growing. People always come out and go to the town to watch the lanterns---and fly off their own. I used to watched them in my father's throne room balcony, together with Kid.

Now, I get to experience watching down here ! But... It's really crowded. I hate crowds. I might... I don't know, lose sight of (y/n) or something.

I subconsciously gripped her hand tighter as we walked.

Sunset's almost over now. Kids are running around everywhere, having fun. I turned to (y/n), who turned her head to watch the kids with a large smile.

...She likes kids.

She made a small giggle, watching a girl pass her---only to trip after a few steps. (y/n) gasped, and pulled her hand away from me, running to the girl.

"Hey... A-are you okay ?"

The girl looked up, and started crying, holding her knee. "Lady---my knee hurts !"

I sighed, deciding to follow after her. But...

She smiled.

I tensed, freezing in my spot. What the fuck ?

"Shhh. It's okay---I'll do my best to help... Uhm... Do you have a handkerchief ? I sadly don't have any bandages to take care of that scrape... Forgive me."

The orange glow emmited by the sun gently landed on her face. It gave enough glow to make her look like the brightest thing there ever was. Along with that bright smile... She really is a princess.

The girl gave a small nod, sniffling slightly as she held out her handkerchief. (y/n) took it, and unfolded it---forming it into something that can be tied around the girl's knee.

I can't walk.

But I'm not paralyzed either.

What's happening to me...?

"There you go, young lady." (y/n) patted her head, and stood, holding a hand out to her. The kid looked up at her, and made a wide grin, wiping her tears. The handkerchief was tied around the kid's scrape. "Thank you, miss !" She said with a giggle. "...But... Can I ask... Why do you speak so formally ?"

(y/n) blinked, before laughing. "Can I let you in on a secret ?"

"Uhm... Of course. You helped me." The girl said. (y/n) then leaned in, and said a few words, making the girl gasp.

"Y-you are a princess...?"

"Shhhh." (y/n) patted her head again, before... Summoning this little... What, gem ?

She muttered words before that appeared, though.

"There. You can keep that. Use it in any way you can---it's yours."

"I-i-it's an emerald !" The girl gasped, taking it and staring at the said green gem. "A real emerald !"

"Now now, keep my secret, okay ?"

"Alright !" The girl hugged her tightly, before giggling. "Thank you !"

...She just gave an emerald to a girl---not to mention who just ran off to her mother and showed it. They were obviously... Poor. The way the woman teared up when she saw the gem made it obvious.

I turned my head back to (y/n), who happened to watch the girl and her mother earlier, too. Then, she turned to me, and smiled.

Too pure for this world.

The Royal Runt (Blackstar x Reader) [AU]Where stories live. Discover now