Chapter 5

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"So that was your plan, Adrien? To make the girl even more miserable than she already was?"

Plagg was asking the same question for the fifth time but Adrien didn't respond, just as he didn't answer the last four times. The boy, deep in his thoughts, was sitting on his window seat looking into the darkness for over an hour now. His little kwami could see the struggle on his face.

"Adrien, talk to me. You'll feel better. Why did you do it? Why did you ignore her so obviously? Didn't you know that she would be hurt?"

Suddenly a quiet voice split awkward silence.

"I didn't realize that she was still in love with Adrien. I hoped... that... she...Ugh! I would never want to hurt her!"

He got up and started to walk around the room in circles.

"I am such an idiot, Plagg."

Kwami smiled with apparent satisfaction. "Finally! I've been telling you this for how long? Just go to the damn girl, confess and be happy!"

Adrien thought about it multiple times but every time even the thought of it made him nervous. His confidence disappeared every time he was going to confess and Adrien began to doubt everything - her, himself, their feelings, their desires, everything! - just to avoid confessing. There was only one thing that he didn't doubt - Adrien was in love, as deep as anyone could be. She was the perfect mix. She was brave and confident, she was radiant and talented, fun to be with and very beautiful. Adrien especially loved that he could make her blush from time to time. Deep down he knew that there was still a little love for his Ladybug but the feeling that Adrien felt for Marinette was so much bigger and he didn't doubt that she was the one who could make him happy, whom he wanted to love for the rest of his life. There was only one question remaining.

"Who do you think will she prefer - Chat or Adrien?"

"Who do YOU think she likes more?"

"I really wish I would know. Honestly, I would love it if she would like me for my whole self and not just one side of me. What if she prefers Chat and will be disappointed that he is me or I am him? Or what if she is interested more in Adrien and would hate the idea of him being a cat by night?"

Plagg choked on his favourite Camembert in a surprise. "Who? Marinette? Honestly, I suspect that she is in love with both of you! So quit crying and go confess!"

Adrien looked at the kwami with hope in his eyes. "You think so? You think she likes both sides of me?"

Plagg didn't answer. Instead, he gave Adrien the look that said it all.

"I need to fix this, Plagg. I need to fix it. And the sooner the better."

He remembered the last couple of hours again, how she was disappointed, how she cried, how she was hurt because of him, Adrien. Maybe she does prefer him, he thought. He walked around some more and finally went to bed hoping that a new day will give him new ideas. He loved her and wanted her to be happy and if it means he had to be Adrien it was something he would certainly do.



A single red rose and a note on a window made all the difference. When Tikki woke up, Marinette was murmuring her favourite melody while getting ready for school. She looked happy and relaxed which greatly surprised Tikki because, if she remembered correctly, last night Marinette cried for an hour on Chat's shoulder. He must have done something right. He was comforting her in his embrace holding her close and tight; he stroked her hair gently and wiped away her tears lovingly. At one point it looked like Chat was going to kiss the girl - he started to lean in towards her but then he paused suddenly and pulled back without her noticing anything. Tikki long suspected that the cat boy has fallen in love with Marinette and she was wondering if the girl was so oblivious not to see it or if she decided not to discuss it with the kwami.

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