Chapter 4

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Tomorrow all her problems will finally start to resolve. Chat was supposed to start his weeklong quest to capture his Lady's heart and she was supposed to reciprocate. Marinette knew for sure that she will and she was extremely happy that everything was finally getting in place. Her face was lit by a soft smile but nobody could hide from Tikki a little sadness in the girl's eyes.

"Marinette, what is it? Isn't that what you wanted? Are you having doubts? Do you want to be with Adrien instead?"

Kwami was concerned because it was such a delicate matter for a young girl.

"Oh, no. I am not changing my mind, Tikki, I mean, I still have some feelings for Adrien, but at the rate that I am falling for MY Chat, I predict that in a week of being his girlfriend my heart will be his completely. It is... just ... sometimes I wish that he would choose me."

Tikki was confused.

"What do you mean? He did or better he will in a week, on Valentine's Day."

"No, It is just that sometimes I wish that Chat or whoever else for that matter would choose Marinette over Ladybug. She is such an amazing superhero and it is very easy to fall in love with her. I bet half of the teenage boys in Paris probably at some point had a thing about Ladybug; but wouldn't it be amazing if somebody could have a choice between both of us and choose shy Marinette over famous Ladybug? That would be true love."

She looked with her big, wishful eyes at the sunset and signed quietly...

"But that is just a dream, Tikki. There is no way someone would prefer me to her."



"Plagg, where is my list?"

Kwami was innocently looking from the basket were just yesterday were mountains of cheese. He gasped. "Adrien, I didn't! How can you even think that I could?!!! That list is disgusting anyway - give some flowers, compliment out of blue, but not too obvious...Blah, Blah, Blah... As if I COULD even stomach it!"

Plagg looked hurt as Adrien was running around the room looking for his notes from the previous night. He planned to start his conquest today and he wanted to do every single thing from that list so she would remember this week forever.

"Found it! Let's go, Plagg! We'll be late for school."


Marinette's day started rather unexpectedly. The minute she opened her eyes she saw her adorable kwami floating right above her eyes and grinning heavily.

"There is a present for you, Marinette."

The girl looked around but saw nothing out of ordinary. She looked confusingly at Tikki.

"Look out the window, sweetie."

A beautiful bouquet of red and white roses was lying right outside her window. It was huge, probably fifty roses all together and it was magnificent. Tied to the stems was a small black cat stuffed toy with a note in his paws. Marinette opened the window and picked up the bouquet. She buried her face in the soft petals of the flowers smelling the stunning aroma that filled the room. A smile lit her face immediately, happiness surfaced in her eyes and warmth spread through her body. She was overjoyed. She had never before received flowers of such beauty. She had never received flowers from anyone at all, for that matter, except her dad, but that doesn't count.

"Who is the sender, Marinette? Check the card," Tikki nudged.

Marinette untied the black kitten and showed it to Tikki.

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