Grasop didn't seem too phased, actually he seemed rather.. Active. He was analysing everyone, "What are you doing now Grasop?.." Birta says with a look of irritation, "Looking for the killer.. What else?" He replied as if she understood what he meant, he turned to her, then rolled his eyes when he realised she didn't, "You don't really believe he killed himself do you?" He holds up the murder weapon, the knife was the same as the knives given to everybody else, after all everyone was supplied with one, what was Grasop thinking? "This isn't his, his knife is still in his in his chamber under his pillow.., I also checked the arms in the training room" he smiled before delivering the line which would fill her with dread "Looks like we have a murderer on the loose.."

Hata, with his white hair flowing, was watching them through the control of Darkness, and smiles when he hears Grasop's response.

Birta's eyes opened wide, "What are you suggesting?! That one of us murdered this man?!" She shouted in confusion, she was sick of Grasop's childish nature, surely with this important evidence he should've talked to her immediately, she was his leader after all! "Fine, if you really think there's a murderer among us, why don't you tell me who it is.." He rolled his eyes before sharply responding with "two hours", "one hour" she snapped back, her anger was visible in her ice cold eyes, she was sick of him overpowering her constantly, she was the leader! Who was he thinking he could take charge whenever he liked?! Grasop just assumed that she wasn't in a good mood, after all.. he did just accuse one of her own for murder, but he could prove it, he was sure he could.

Hata decided to stop watching, using this much Darkness in watching Grasop preform such a tedious task was a waste not to mention absolutely boring, it was damping his thrill, he stood up from his throne, smashing was heard in the corridor behind his him yet he never turned, he walked slowly to his balcony opened it up and balanced himself on the edge, he was over one hundred and fifty meters from the ground, the sense of danger filled him with adventure and liberty, he closed his eyes which had been awake so long bags had formed underneath, feeling the gentle breeze pick up to a ripping wind, he smiled as his knotted white hair and torn black cape flowed harshly in unison, suddenly the door burst behind him, finally he turned to face the intruders that wasted his precious time with their obsolete reasons, none of his Svartus Knights were there to rid of them, they were normal people trying to rid of Hata, the ruler of their land, a terrible person, and an even worse king, just as they opened their mouths Hata pointed his hand directly at them, soon black smoke intensified from his violet gauntlet, emitting from the hand underneath but concentrating into the gauntlet, suddenly fifteen smoke projectiles shot out from his steel glove, each one puncturing one of the procrastinators, fifteen dead within the blink of an eye. Hata tried to stop himself from giggling at his immense power before leaping off the balcony before wings formed of black smoke burst from his back, people looked up in fear at their ruler who now looked like a demon formed of pure ash and smoke, with incredible speed he headed to Claro HQ for a personal meeting.

Grasop had the two survivors from the past scavenge, they had been recruited with only a very small amount of training since recruitment, Grasop knew something was weird with these two, Birta storms towards Grasop, Saklus trailing behind her as he holds the recruits for interrogation, he had cleared the room apart from the two he ordered to stay, of course they cleared without second thought, apart from Birta and Saklus, just as she is about to question him the ceiling above them starts to crack, all five of them look up with disbelief as black smoke seeps through the cracks. Hata has arrived. The ceiling collapses and he lands on the floor with the rubble falling around him. He lets the dust settle around him before slowly raising to his full height. All of them recognise the Svartus emblem on his slender, silver chest-plate, the two recruits are saved by the bell the turn and dash out of HQ, Birta tries to stop them but Hata makes it clear what her attention should be focussed on. Birta faces Grasop, she draws her sword and cracks a faint smile as she charges toward Grasop, grasping her foot after her sprint he launches her up into the air directly towards Hata, he was in her crosshairs and she had the advantage of height trying to catch him she jabs her sword towards him, a blast of smoke flings her the opposite direction with twice the amount of momentum Grasop had thrown her at. Grasop pulls out both his blades and begins to attack Hata, the King parries every attack without ease with his gauntlets trailing hell-smoke, while he is distracted, Saklus from the other side of the room aims his spear, and throws it, it strikes Hata on the shoulder drawing blood, He gives the small boy a look of anger and distaste, now driven with frustration, Hata quickly turns to Grasop and disarms both with weapons with only slight movements, Hata breaks Grasop's leg with a simple kick, "And to think I setup that attack knowing you would save them.." He covers the wound Saklus give him "To think I watched you all this time, just to realise how disappointing you are Grasop, not to mention the pain of this wound this little brat gave me!" He dashes towards Saklus, lifting the dust from the floor with his speed and grabs him by the throat. "O-Orka!.." Birta screams at him before throwing more desperate attacks in a futile attempt to save Saklus. "I am Hata!" He screams, beyond pissed off, summons again the crow black smoke, it orbits Birta's right waist before starting to burn through it with extreme heat, Grasop tries to attack again but end up back where he started as Hata grabs his cloak and launches the mangled toy back into a concrete wall, this was probably the biggest injury he sustained to any opponent since the collapse, he needed to do something but his broken body wouldn't allow him, Birta was screaming in agony as her waist began to burn through,  more Claro forces burst into the room only to drop to the dusty floor by projectile smoke, Saklus unable to breath watched his best friends in pain before passing out. Birta's amputated hand falls to the ground, blood oozing from her stump, the smoke has tore right through it and dismembered it from her body. With a huge grin on his face, Hata's wings return to him, "Grasop, don't think you have got off free, I will be back for you..and him, I know how much you care about this stupid child" and he blasts through the roof just as fast as he arrived, dropping the unconscious Saklus on the floor like a ragdoll. The Claro was left in horror as they looked at dead comrades, a fallen leader, and their most fearless fighter left subdued by the shame of being so easily defeated and hatred of himself for fearing what is going to happen next.

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