Chance Meeting

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It was in the late afternoon when y/n arrived in Magnolia. She got out of the train and gazed around the train station in awe. It was just as beautiful as she'd imagined. It was a lot bigger than she's imagined though, and when she finally got out of the train station she still didn't have a single clue where she was. She had imagined she'd quickly find the guild but this city was a lot bigger than she'd imagined.

After walking around aimlessly for what felt like hours, she still hadn't stumbled across the guild. How big could a city be?

She did find a pretty cheap inn at the end of the day so she cold still praise herself lucky that she still had some money from her work in the previous inn. She could at least pay herself a meal and a bed and search for Fairy Tail tomorrow

The next day when she woke up and got ready for her depart to, hopefully, Fairy Tail; she asked the innkeeper for directions towards the guild building.

"Sure. Just keep going right from here until you reach a really big street and from there out you should head in the direction of Kardia kathedral and Fairy Tail.", he explained and waved her off with a smile. y/n did as she was told and followed the directions of the innkeeper. When she indeed came out on a big street and saw the Kathedral, she headed in its direction. Her dreams were so close now. She couldn't wait to see Natsu again.

When, after a while of walking, she had finally reached the guild; she hesitated. What if she wouldn't be accepted in the guild? what if Natsu was out on a job right now? What if they all thought she was a creep? The door started to open and y/n quickly hid behind the souvenir shop Max ran. She watched as Erza and Gray walked out, talking about where they would be getting lunch.

She suddenly felt something touch her shoulder and looked back only to see Juvia staring at Gray. "You aren't staring at Gray-sama, are you?", she asked and y/n shook her head vigorously. "I'm actually here for Natsu Dragneel, but I chickened out before I could enter the guild.", y/n explained the water mage who answered her "Juvia likes you. Watching your love from afar but being too afraid to confess your love. But Natsu-san isn't currently here; he left for a job and should be back by this afternoon. Why don't you come in with Juvia and eat something?", Juvia asked and y/n nodded "That sounds great."

It was in the late afternoon when Natsu arrived in Magnolia and he decided to go to Lucy's place first to nag her. It was close to dinner time, so she should have some food for him too.

"Happy, let's go to Lucy's place first. She might have some food for us.", he told the exceed who replied with a cheery "Aye!"

"Maybe his train is just running late" Juvia tried to cheer her newfound friend up. y/n just looked at the water mage and told her "This is the worst day ever. I haven't been able to see Natsu and I'm out of money so now I'll have to sleep on the streets.".

"That's not true y/n-chan. Juvia can take you with her to Fairy Hills and she is sure you can stay a night or two there."

y/n smiled at the bluenette; in just one day they had become great friends. She, too, had 'stalked' Natsu like Juvia had been stalking the love of her life. So she guessed they just understood each other really well.

Turned out that Lucy wasn't at home, so she should have opted for a meal at the guild. 'Too bad' Natsu thought. Now he would have to pay for his food.

As he entered the guild he spotted Lucy indeed eating food here and he sat down with her and the rest of the team. "How did your quest go?", was the first question he was asked. "Good. I managed to destroy nothing and save the people that were kidnapped."

"Hey Flamebrain," Gray said "There was a girl asking for you today. I never caught her name but she looked like a creepy stalker. She was talking the whole day with Juvia and seemed to know everything about you. Seems like you got a creepy fangirl again.", Gray told the pinket who sighed. Why did he always get the creepy fangirls. Well, y/n wasn't a creep; and she had been a fangirl too.

"Gray is right. You just missed her. She went to Fairy Hills with Juvia. Seems like she didn't have a place to stay and is staying at Fairy Hills for the time being.", Erza told Natsu who had now gotten his food too and had started eating it. He sighed again "Why doesn't Gray ever get stalker fangirls?", Natsu questioned out loud and Gray answered "Because Juvia eliminates them all before they even get a chance to get close to me."

Juvia had taken y/n with her to Fairy Hills and had asked the landlady if she could stay for a couple of nights. The landlady had agreed, she just couldn't say no to such a cute face, she had said and y/n felt flattered. Juvia showed her to her room and she couldn't help but notice how big it was. She had always had a little room in comparison to this. "Wow" she said and she heard Juvia chuckle behind her before the door closed, leaving her alone in this big room. It had a bed, a badroom, a warderobe and even a little kitchen. She wouldn't mind living like this. But ten thousand jewel a month; even if she would be a wizard she wouldn't know if she could get that much money together every month. Ten thousand jewel would be something around one hundred dollar, every month! But if she was lucky she could live with Natsu, right? He would still love her and want to spend time with her, right?

The next day Natsu was awfully early at the guild and Gray pulled him to the side "There you have that crazy fangirl of yours. She hasn't noticed you so you can still run." Gray said as he pointed in the direction where Juvia sat with that one girl he had seen in that inn in Oshibana. But, she couldn't have followed him here 'cause she had arrived here earlier than he had. But what if he had been right all along and it had been y/n all this time. What if she had traveled all the way from God knows where in this world to here just to see him?

"y/n?" he questioned and the girl turned around. Upon seeing him, her face lightened up immediately and she ran at him. She threw herself in his arms and he caught her and gave her a big hug. "Natsu!" she yelled. "Y/n! I thought I would never see you again." he said happily as he put her down and did what he had already wanted to do before he was sucked back into this world. He pressed his lips on hers and gave her a kiss. Y/n melted into the kiss immediately and kiss back. This was the thing she  had been waiting for all these years. She couldn't be happier right now.

When they broke up, Natsu noticed the whole guild staring at them "What!? You've never seen a guy kiss someon?" he asked and the whole guild kept quiet. The first one to speak was Gray "So you did have an actual girlfriend from an other world. You weren't lying!?"

"That's what I told you guys all along didn't I. This is just like when I had just joined the guild and no one wanted to believe me that I was raised by a dragon.", Natsu said and sighed. Why did no one ever believe him if he told such things. 

"I don't care what you guys are going to say but now y'all have to believe me and I have the love of my life back. LET'S PARTY" Natsu yelled and the whole guild erupted in cheers and started welcoming the new girl that was Natsu's girlfriend.

Natsu sat down at a table with y/n, just catching up their last four months apart. "I saw you in Oshibana you know?" Natsu said and y/n looked at him questioningly. "I was in that inn you worked at. My job was there. But I never got to see your face and your scent wasn't the same. Now I smell you up close that's obviously because you got magic running through your veins now. That makes  you smell different.", Natsu explained and pulled her closer to his side as he raised his cup once more to celebrate the return of his mate

Meanwhile, y/n could only enjoy this. Everything she had waited these two whole years for had come true. All of her dreams had come true. She was reunited with Natsu and they had formed a couple, she had magic so she could obviously now join fairy tail and go on quest with Team Natsu. She had met all these nice guys in the guild she had always wanted to talk with like Erza, Juvia, Wendy and a lot of other people. She couldn't possibly be happier as she rested her head against her boyfriend's shoulder and looked up to his smiling face. She couldn't imagine being luckier.

Well guys. This was it. This was officially the last chapter of 'Intertwined'. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Leave a review in the comments and vote if you liked it. I hope to see you again in one of my other books

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