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That night I didn't sleep well. I couldn't stop thinking about the feeling y/n gave me when she hugged me. It felt just the same as when Lucy hugs me. I can't be falling in love with y/n. Right? I mean... Maybe I'll be back in my own world tomorrow and then I'll never be able to see her again. And if I love someone who I can never see...

The next morning

"Good morning Natsu. Are you feeling better?", y/n asked me and flashed a smile at me. My heart started beating faster. No. I can't love her. I need to focus. I nodded and she looked happy to see I was feeling better. When I came downstairs with y/n I wasn't greeted by her parents or brother and looked questioning at y/n.

"Oh yeah. They left on vacation. I didn't want to go with them. I don't like being in the car for so long.", she explained. "I understand you.", I told her and she started laughing. She's cute when she laughs. It made me smile too. "So. How about we eat something. I can make eggs and bacon. Coffee?", she asked. "Sure."

That afternoon we went to the park to meet some of y/n's friends. One of her friends. Of boy named John looked at me with just the same look as y/n had looked at me when she saw me for the first time." Does he know about me too?", I asked y/n. She nodded and told John the while story. "And which anime character is gonna come to life next? Zoro, Toshi, Hinata, Lucy...". Just her name made y/n cringe. Why? I wanted to ask but I decided not to. She obviously had a good reason for it.

After we met John we went to eat something. It was delicious and fun. And y/n's look when she got the bill was priceless. I really had fun. I like it here. Of course I wanna go home as soon as possible. I'm sure Happy and Lucy and the rest are already looking for a way to get me back but I like it here too. I like it to be with y/n. I like y/n. I think...

Back in the world of fairy tail

The quest team Natsu had left on was a success. And this time they didn't had to use the reward for paying for the damage. Happy went straight back home to see Natsu and Lucy went home too. When she opened the door she expected Natsu to be there but... Her house was empty. Actually she was a bit disappointed by this. After the few years they had been together she had get to like the pink haired boy. Not long after she had taken a bath an in panic Happy came flying into her bust "What's wrong Happy?", she asked the now crying cat. "Natsu... Natsu... He's gone.", The cat said making Lucy worry about him "He hasn't left a note. Nothing. And Mira says he didn't tell her he took a quest. But there disappeared a quest... The one with the ancient spell. Who knows what could've happened to Natsu."

Your world

Good night y/n.", Natsu said and closed the door.

Knowing it would be another sleepless night Natsu installed himself on the soft and fluffy bed. Natsu loved the only girl he couldn't love. And it wasn't just a little crush. Thinking about everything he liked about her Natsu fell asleep after a while hugging the Happy pluche he could lend from her. It smelled like her ever so slightly. But it smelled like her...

Intertwined #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now