Chapter 37: Confessions

Start from the beginning

I was about to exit the tent when I heard Sakura speak with Sasuke, who was still up in the tree. I opened the tent a bit to hear better and was frozen in shock; these two really didn't get along.

"Don't play the victim, Sasuke, it doesn't suit you. You should go to sleep, it's going to be a hard day tomorrow."

"If it's you who's going to keep watch, I'd rather stay up." Sasuke told her. "You're capable of sneaking off to Naruto's tent instead of keeping watch."

"Would it bother you if I'm with Naruto?" She asked, smiling.

"Do whatever you want." He said. "It doesn't matter, I only want this mission to be over at once."

"You'll end up going back to that prison where you shouldn't have gotten out in the first place, Sasuke." Sakura commented.

"I'll go back for sure." He told her. "You wouldn't waste a minute sending me back there again."

"You were lucky that Naruto got you out of there. Have you told him what happened to you?" She asked and I was surprised.

"What do I have to tell him? Everyone knows what things happen in prison. Don't try to be sympathetic, you healed me because he begged you to, I'm not important to him." He told her and I was even more surprised.

"Perhaps I should tell Naruto everything I saw while I healed you, then. I'd have to tell him how they did each and every one of your wounds, how they left you starving until you couldn't stand on your own, how they tore you when they violated you, the great Sasuke Uchiha." That made my eyes widen and I realized that with my surprise, I had walked out a bit from my tent and Sasuke looked at me with certain fear in his eyes.

"Shut up!" He shouted towards Sakura, trying to tell her to stop saying things when he saw me but I had already found out.

"Why, Sasuke?" Sakura asked him. "You don't want anyone knowing that they abused the great Uchiha?"

"I've told you to shut up!" He shouted once again.

"They humiliated you well. Your odor gave away how they urinated over you. Tell me, did they do it before or after violating you?"

I had just enough time to stop the kunai that Sasuke threw towards Sakura and she was shocked in surprise because there were only centimeters between her and the kunai. If I hadn't grabbed it, she'd be dead. When I looked up, Sasuke wasn't there.

"Did you see him?! He tried to kill me!" Sakura told me, pissed off and scared.

"You crossed the line." I told her. "Continue keeping watch; I'll go look for him."

I jumped up on the branch where Sasuke was and ran through other branches after him. Where had he gone? I supposed that right now, he didn't want to see anyone. For me to have found out about that... must've dealt a great damage to his pride. All of us looked at him as the strong guy, the one who never cried, the superior one, the one that always had things under control. For me to find out that even someone like him could be abused only because they considered him a traitor, hurt me. It hurt me deep inside and I was sure to speak to more than just one of them when I got back from the mission. No one could do these things, much less to Sasuke.

Moreover, I felt responsible that he had suffered those abuses and molestations because it was I who made him come back against his will. It was I who was supposed to keep watch over him now, watching over him twenty-four hours a day as if he were a delinquent- which he was to the village! But I didn't see him like that, I kept seeing the same lost Sasuke from when we were kids, the Sasuke that needed the acknowledgement of his father, the one that had to be the best to not let down his clan, who was always serious and couldn't have a happy childhood like any other kid because he was under the strict norms of the Uchiha clan, under all that pride, he had to demonstrate that an Uchiha was always on top of the world.

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