Jack I'm so so sorry..

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We sped out with my dad and the authorities on our trail. "Crap! why cant my dad just leave me the hell alone!?" I said turning nervously as the car picked up speed. "Because we're criminals now. He's run out of patience with you and wants me to be locked up in Arkham!" joker yelled as he made a dangerous right turn. "Over my dead body! Your not going into Arkham with out me. " I said now deciding to buckle my seatbelt. "Eva darling theres a gun in the glove compartment take it and shoot at the cops tires please." He said so patiently I took it out of the glove compartment. "I'm uh a little nervous bout giving you that gun doll."  He chuckled. "Why?" I asked smiling to him before rolling down the window and positioning myself so I could shoot better.

"Because doll, last time I gave you a gun you tried to shoot me!" he laughed. "Well in all due respect -" Bang I shot but missed. "You did have a gun to my head!" I giggled as I took another shot but missed again. "Oh c'mon love you know I wouldn't hurt you! well not in the bad way.." he gave a dirty little smirk and I just laughed and shook my head. I took another shot taking out a tire on a police car making it swerve and turn upside down. "Oops!" I sarcastically said shrugging. "Good job doll!"  He grinned revealing his beautiful silver teeth.

"Joker can I uh ask you something?" I asked him while shooting but missing again. "Anything love!" he yelled as he sped faster making me almost loose my balance. "Whats your real name?" I felt a nervous knot in my stomach. "We uh-" he stuttered his voice coming out croak. "We've been through this princess. A story for another time. " he sighed. I sat down properly now and pleaded with him. "Please?" I begged. He took one look at me and instantly melted. "Its jack..." he whispered.

Jack I'm so sorry!

My thoughts instantly went back to my dream. Jack... No wonder it sounded so familiar and foreign. I didn't know the name before but it was his. I thought of my nightmares.

"Don't leave me.." I breathed out. "What ?" he didn't hear what I said. "Nothing!" I gave him a fake smile.  Suddenly  police car hit us from the side making us turn over and over and over. I hit my head a the car stopped upside down. My eyes drifted close..

I suddenly snapped them open. Raising my hand to my head. Blood trickling from it. I was hanging by my seatbelt looking down at joker who was unconscious. "Jack.." I whispered before everything faded to black and I drifted away.

Waking up I was blinded by hospital lights. I sat up. I had a bandage on the ut on my head and my arm was bruised other than that I was fine. Besides the terrible head ache. My dad (Bruce wayne version not batman) came rushing to my side. "Eva!" he breathed out. "Nurse! get a nurse!" he yelled out.

"What happened?" I blinked. "There was a car accident. We rushed you here and-" I cut him off breathing out his name. "Jack.." I whispered. "Joker! What happened to him?" I growled out commanding my dad to tell me. "He uh- " my dads face fell. "He didn't make it.." my heart fell when his words came out. Tears building up in my eyes. "What?" I breathed out.

"Eva after we got you out the car burst into flames I'm sorry."  he said sitting on the hospital bed. "Eva we were too late I'm so sorry.." I turned to him angry.

"NO!" I yelled. "You didn't care you never cared!" I yelled at him. "Leave me alone!" I hit him and pushed him to leave.  And hesitantly he did. "Eva I'm so sorry.."

"Jack.." I whispered. "Jack I'm so so sorry! I love you!" tears poured out as I whispered hoping he'd hear me wherever he was.

"Joker I love you.."

Falling for a Psycho(The joker )Where stories live. Discover now