Mr. Joker

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"now hmm... I'm going to have my henchman let you go... if you scream you will be sorry do you understand?" he bent down to look me in the eyes better. I was able to manage a small nod yes. "Alright beautiful.." he turned to the man who was holding me a bit too tight. "let her go." and with that he did. I took a deep breath. "I- your- y-your the.." I trailed off half scared half excited. "im the clown prince of evil, the master of crime, the bats one true enemy-" I flinched when he talked about my dad but luckily he didn't notice. "I'm Mr. Joker, The Joker. but my love, the question is what is your name?" he smiled revealing silver teeth. "I um I'm Eva." I was able to mutter out. He extended a hand but I hesitated. "Eva its very very rude to ignore someone.. and no one likes a rude person." he sung out and my eyes snapped up back to his and I extended my hand and shook his. "Joker sir" my eyes turned back to stare at my flats scared to even dare look him in the eye.  "if you don't mind me asking.." I hesitated again keeping my eyes on my shoes. I could tell he was starting to get annoyed without even having to look at him. "Whatever it is love spit it out I'm a very very busy man!" he snapped. I raised my eyes at him and decided to be brave.

i stood up and crossed my arms.

"well Joker what the hell are you doing at my freaking party?" I kept my gaze on his eyes un blinkingly. "YOUR party?" he sounded confused. "I thought this was bruce waynes party!" he yelled but not loud enough for people inside to hear. He started pacing back and forth mumbling to himself and I honestly couldn't understand what he was saying. he rolled up the sleeves of his white button up blouse to reveal strong arms covered in tattoos and started tugging at his hair. "WELL IF THIS IS YOUR PARTY WHY IS IT AT BRUCE WAYNES HOUSE HMM?!?!?" he got in my face yelling at me. I flinched a bit but didn't back away. I said calmly. "its technically my dads party..." I didn't say my dads name was bruce because batman and joker have been long enemies and heaven knows what this psycho would do to bat mans daughter. "WHO THE HELL IS YOUR DAD?" he yelled at me again still inches from my face. "I-" I felt my eyebrows furrow in fear and he noticed this. His face softened and he lowered his voice. "I uh... Listen doll. I'll ask you calmly. Is Bruce Wayne at this party? if you answer me then I promise I will not hurt you or leave a scratch on you ....for tonight at least." I could feel my breath becoming jagged. If he found out who I was he could potentially kill me and my dad if I didn't he could still kill me and my dad ... or just me... this is a loose- loose situation. "um.." he gripped my arms tightly making me yelp and he started to shake me. "don't make me have to get the answer out of you! I need to know if the bat is here!" I shut my eyes. "Bruce wayne is my dad.." I let it slip out.

I opened my eyes. his face was a mixture of shock and the look of him getting an idea. a beautiful yet insane  grin slowly crept on his face.

"oh we can have some fun with this boys." his face still inches from mine.

Falling for a Psycho(The joker )Where stories live. Discover now