Jokes on you

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i woke up the next morning looking up to the grey ceiling surrounded by dull grey walls. I was wearing the baggy over sized t-shirt and pajama bottoms that the joker had brought me. I sat up and looked around. debating whether to get up or not I swung my legs over the edge of my small bed and quickly walked across the small room to the small bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands and face.  I sighed. I sat down again on the bed and could feel my stomach growling.  "dammit" I mumbled to myself out of hunger. I swear if the joker doesn't feed me I'm going to be pissed. I guess i'll just have to wait till he brings the food.

So I've been waiting a while and he still hasn't brought anything. I was right in front of the wooden door I tried the handle but it was locked. I started slamming on it and banging. "hey psycho ! " I yelled out at him. "open the damn door!" I yelled banging and slamming it harder. Eventually the door just swung open, the joker himself standing right there. The sleeves of his white buttoned up shirt were rolled up and stained red with blood and so were his hands. I stared at him in shock. "what could you possibly want at this moment?!" he half yelled sounding pissed."i um I'm-" I was cut of by someone screaming. "hold that thought." The joker said to me in a monotone voice. He turned slightly back but still kept his hand on the door with a firm grip. "SHUT UP OR I"LL CUT YOU LIKE A PIECE OF MEAT!" he yelled behind him. he turned back to me and calmly spoke to himself with the straightest face I have ever seen. "oh wait I already did that. hmm..." he snapped his attention back to the reality of my existence . "what do you want?" he barked at me. "I um I'm hungry. Can I please have some food?" I said trying to hide the fear in my voice though it was kind of hard. I mean who wouldn't be scared? "oh that's it? you interrupted me in the middle of my art for food?" annoyance was on the edge of his voice. He called that art? whatever he was doing to that poor guy was art? I slowly nodded. "i'll have one of my guys bring it to you." he rolled his eyes and as he was about to turn away and slam the door in my face I quickly asked him. "what are you doing to that guy?" he froze in his tracks as if he miss heard me . he spun around facing me but this time he was a little closer to me which intimidated me a bit but I didn't move back. "well my dear lets just say it isn't pretty." and with that he slammed the door in my face and I could hear his footsteps thudding away.

 Eventually one of jokers henchmen brought me breakfast (or at least I think its breakfast time I honestly don't know since i'm in a concrete room and cant see anything outside or on a clock.) I sat down alone on my bed eating bacon and a fruit salad. When I was done I set the plate next to the door. I heard footsteps coming to the door so I quickly got on bed sitting against the wall part where the bed was pushed up against. MY wooden door swung open. In came joker except he was dressed differently now. He wore a clean white shirt, black pants, and a purple jacket. He took the chair that was in the corner and scooted it to sit in front of me. "Listen beautiful. Your dad has something of mine. Now I was just wondering where he keeps his uh... Stolen stuff. Does that make sense?" he said calmly.

" whatever happens between you and my dad is your business. I tend to stay out of that stuff. I don't know anything, so you might as well just let me go." I spat out at him. " See doll I cant do that." he sighed out. "And why not?" I asked hearing the bitterness rising in my voice. "Because your father has something of mine and now-" he gestured to me. "I have something of his. " I twiddled my thumbs and breathed lightly scared to breath the wrong way and upset the clown maniac in front of me. "are you  gonna uh-" I stuttered a bit. there was a pause, I didn't finish my sentence and my words hung there in the thick air that was between us. I didn't look at him either. Just staring down at my plain white sheets. "Am I gonna what doll?" he sounded annoyed again. "are you going to hurt me or kill me or something?" I asked even though I wished I hadn't. I looked up to see his expression but he looked expressionless. "Well love that depends on you and your dad. If you behave then no harm will come to you and if your pops gives back whats mine I MIGHT just free ya. " he said in a monotone voice. "depends how nice I'm feeling!" he chuckled. "and if my dad doesn't give whatever it is you want back?" I  asked scared to hear the answer. "well princess, that is a different story.." he smiled a crooked smile that showed his silver teeth.

I took a deep breath in. "you know one pair of over sized clothes isn't going to last I need other stuff like underwear and socks and stuff so could you be as so kind as to get me some of those? Oh and since I don't now how long I'm going to be staying I think I should stalk up on some feminine products if you know what I mean." I said about to list what I need and go into detail. It wasn't that time of the month but since I don't know how long i'll be here i'll have to stock up. "Ok ok ok ok doll. You don't have to go into full detail!" he held his hand and made a disgusted face. "i'll uh have my guys take you shopping tomorrow but I swear to hell below if you try to leave I will find you and you will be sorry. " he stuffed his hand in his pocket and pulled out some cash that looked like it was about 100 or so dollars and tossed it onto the bed. "that should be enough to get you a few things. " he smacked his lips. He got up and put the chair back where it was. "now if you'll excuse me doll I have important business to attend to. " he laughed hysterically and started mumbling to himself as he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him leaving me alone with my thoughts in my small cage. 

Falling for a Psycho(The joker )Where stories live. Discover now