Chapter 7: Feelings

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"You've got it bad."

Draco jerked his head in the direction of the annoying voice pestering him.

"What do you mean, Blaise?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"You turned soft, with all these affections you feel for this mudblood. You're losing your game."

Blaise took a bite out of his apple, teasing him as he slowly chewed it. He raised an eyebrow. Draco completely ignored him and turned back to fiddling with his wand in one hand and a book in the other.

"See what I mean?" Blaise abruptly said.


"You would've retorted back at me and you knew I was teasing you. You have feelings."

Draco slammed his book shut. He couldn't take anymore of this crap Blaise was giving him. Although, Blaise thought he was doing the right thing. Purebloods should remained pure. No matter what kind of sappy feelings are being shared. If he falls for her, his reputation falls too. And that isn't a good sign. But of course, Blaise just wants whats best for Draco.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't feel anything for Granger."

The words rolled off his tongue so smoothly it felt like butter. And Blaise could sense that too. He raised an eyebrow.

"Granger? What happened to 'Filthy little mudblood'?"

Draco could feel the blood in his body turn cold. Blaise had hit him right there. The corner of his lip raised. Draco stood up and brushed his arms of the robe. Blaise watched him walk to the entrance of the Slytherin Common room before he saying something.

"Look mate. You shouldn't be too caught up with her."

Draco stood in place but he didn't look back.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then we'll see who gets hurt by falling."

Before Blaise could let out the last word, he heard the slam of the painting being shut.

* * * * *

Draco had gone to the library. Though, he doesn't seem like the type to come in here, he does quite often. Mostly when he needed time alone. To think to himself. He came here to also get away from Pansy. This was the last place she would look.

Draco placed his hand on dark, hard cover book and yanked it out of its place. He groaned and turned around, finding a place to read. But he stayed where he was. He leaned on the stand hard and heard a sound, squeak from the other side.

"Ow" the voice said.

Confused, Draco got up from his spot and went around the book stand, only to find someone he didn't want to run into on the other side.

"Malfoy." the figure furrowed their eyes.

"Potter." Draco acknowledged.

Harry was surprised Draco didn't spit out his name in disgust. He said it as if he was merely talking to a friend. Harry stood up from the ground and stared at the blonde headed Slytherin looking down at his book. Draco looked up and met his eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Hmm, so you haven't changed."

Harry pursed his lips as Draco narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Who said I did?"

"Oh, no one." Harry nodded off.

Draco turned around and was about to walk away before Harry called out to him.


Harry hesitated as Draco turned around with a questionable look on his face.

"I know that you were with Hermione on the night of the ball."

Draco turned a bright shade of red. He backed up into the corner of the library and He looked around, making sure they were the only ones in there. Then as Harry wasn't looking, Draco shoved him up against the wall and held his arm infront of him.

"How do you know this." Draco whispered in a low voice.

It wasn't more of a question than a demand. Harry was staring into the eyes of his rival for all his life here at Hogwarts.

'What does Hermione see in this kid?'

"Hermione told us."

Draco raised his head. His blood turned cold.

"Us?" he said slowly.


"Hmpf. That Weasley kid."

Draco had mumbled the last part as he let go of Harry, noticing that he was struggling beneath his right grip.

"She only told us, no one else knows." Harry assured him.

Draco looked at him confused. Not that he didn't believe him. But that he was so calm about his friend being with him on the most "magical" night of the school year.

"No one... Can know." Draco said slowly.

"Hmm. So how long have you liked her?"

Draco narrowed his eyes once again to Harry who stood there with a smirk. He ruffled his hair to the other side of his head but it remained stuck out in all directions.

"I... I don't like her."

"Oh no. I've seen that look. It's the same look Hedwig gives at dead frogs."

Harry raised a teasing eyebrow at Draco. Then, he burst.

"Oh alright. Fine."

"I knew it! You're quite smitten aren't you?!"

Harry praised in victory. This made Draco even more confused.

"Shouldn't you be, I don't know... Offended?"

Harry stopped dancing and looked at his rival.

"I really should be. But I know that look when I see it. You're really smitten. She is too..."

Harry mumbled the last part so that Draco couldn't hear him.

"So you'll be alright if I tried to... woo her?"

Draco flinched as he uttered the most sophisticated word in his vocabulary. It was almost hard for him to say it, but it rolled out of his mouth like a hard candy.

"Yeah I guess, just not at the moment."

Draco raised an eyebrow.

"You may have my approval but you have one more person to get that from."

Draco groaned in response. That means he'll have to deal with Ron too. He nodded at Harry and began to walk away. Harry stopped him. One more time. Just to clarify one more thing.

"Malfoy. If you don't mind me asking. How much do you love her?"

Draco stood in place. He turned and gave a half-hearted smile.

"Yeah, I mind."

And he continued to leave with no more interruptions.

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