Chapter 3: Dancing in Transfiguration

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Hermione scoffed when she found out they were dancing in Transfigurations class. Professor Mcgonagall thought that teaching them how to properly ball room dance would be useful in the Yule ball. There were two separate rows on parallel side of the room. The girls were on one wall and the boys were on the other. Everyone chatted away as Hermione felt a light tap on her shoulder. She sighed as she picked up the piece of paper on the ground and threw it back to the Weasley twins across the room. Then silence filled the room as the footsteps of Mcgonagall was heard, coming into the room. She began to speak almost immediately walking into the room.

Following behind her was Filch and he quickly walked towards the big sound machine and began to tweak it, trying to make it work.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition"

Scratch, tweak

"Of the Triwazard Tournament" she placed her hands in front of her and stepped forwards.

"Since it's exception, on Christmas Eve night. We and our guests gather in the great hall for well-mannered frivolity." She took a slight glance at the Weasley twins as they exchanged smirks.

"As representatives as the hosts school, I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because, the Yule ball, is first and foremost, a dance."

As Prof. McGonagall finished her lecture, the students erupted. Whispering, cat calls and a few groans from the boys. McGonagall raised her hand and the room fell silent again.

"And to dance, is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl, a secret swan is longing to burst forth and take flight." She headed to towards the girls as she raised her arms in a graceful motion.

Draco makes a sexist comment and Hermione rolls her eyes in annoyance. Prof. McGonagall notices as she stares directly at Draco.

"Inside every boy a lordly lion in prepared to pounce. Mr. Malfoy." she gestured him to step forward.

"Will you join me please?" she takes out her hand.

Malfoy stands up, but avoids the hand and walks towards the center, quite annoyed. Hermione couldn't help but stiffle a laugh beneath her breath. Pansy's hand shoots up.

"I volunteer to dance!" she says proudly.

McGonagall looks at her and steps towards the girls row.

"Very well." Pansy's eyes brightened as she stands up.

Malfoy groans in annoyance and Hermione smirks.

"Mrs. Granger, would you join me please?" She looks towards Hermione, completely ignoring Pansy.

Appalled, she reluctantly stands up and glances at Pansy, face as red as a tomato as she sits back down. She looks at Malfoy who, in a split second, looked as if he, sighed in relief.

"Now, you must face each other." she ordered.

Hermione stood in front of Malfoy and Malfoy raised an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes once again.

"Now, place your right hand, on her waist." she said.

Malfoy hesitated. He reached out and looked at Hermione, as if to acknowledge her that he was going to. She mouthed "just do it". He hesitated a bit more.

"On my waist," she whispered as she hurriedly put his hand on her waist.

She began to turn red from the feeling of his loose grip hanging off the bottom of her shirt but could feel that his hand was warm and comfortable. Someone from the boys side whistled at Malfoy and he turned his head towards Blaise, giving him a glare.

"Alright now, Hermione, put your left hand on his shoulder and your other hand in his." McGonagall said.

Hermione placed her left hand on Draco's shoulder softly and held out her right hand. Draco took it and Hermione felt a warm sensation shoot up from her hand. She flinched at the touch.

"Filch, if you please." McGonagall signalled him to play the music as he turned on the machine. A light ballroom tune danced in the air.

"One, two, three. One, two, three." she counted as Draco and Hermione danced to the tune of the music. They floated on the floor as they circled the room. His grip on her waist tightened each step. Hermione looked up towards the girls and could see and feel Pansy's glare at her. Her red face burned from jealousy as she continued to dance. Malfoy looked up.

"This never happened." he whispered in her ear. The same sensation she felt earlier, travelled down her neck.


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