Chapter 17

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Spencer's pov:
Finally work is over. Thank god it's Friday. Now, I just get to spend time with Toby and Minin all weekend long. Speaking of Minin, I'm kinda surprised that Toby said we could keep him. I mean, he doesn't even like cats.

I get into my car, and drive home. When I get there, I see Toby sitting down on the couch with Minin in his lap. With one hand, he's scrolling through something on his phone, and with the other he's petting Minin. I smile at the sight of this.

Toby seems to notice my presence, and looks over at me. "Hey you" he says with a smile while moving Minin off of his lap so he can come over to me.

"Hey" I reply. "I'm glad to see you and Minin are getting along." I add.

"Well, I figured that since he's apart of our family now, I might as well get along with him" he says as he puts his hands on my waist.

"Thank you. I'm really happy that you're making an effort to bond with him for me" I say with a smile.

"Well, you know I'd do anything for you" he says while slowly leaning in. Our lips finally meet, but after a few seconds Toby pulls away. I try to lean back in, but he stops me.

I pout and give him a confused look. "I thought you wanted to go shopping for Minin today" he says.

"That doesn't mean we have to go right this second" I reply while leaning back in.

"Baby, the pet store closes in an hour. We don't have a lot of time so we should get going" he says while taking his hands off of my waist and walking towards the front door. I groan as I grab my purse and my keys and head out the door after him.


After getting food, toys, and other things for Minin at the pet store, I asked Toby if we could go to the store around the corner so I could buy some things. I don't really need to buy anything, but I need to tell him something and I know the perfect way to do it. I just hope that he's happy by my surprise, and that he's not mad...

Toby's pov:
Spencer asked if we could go to the store so she could buy a few things for herself, but she never told me what she exactly needed. Maybe she needed to buy some... Feminine products. If I'm right, which I think I am, she should be on her time of the month right now. It would also explain why she's been kinda moody for the last few days.

When we are in the store she leads me over to the... Baby section? What are we doing here? Maybe she just got lost on her way to the tampons. But then, she puts a yellow onesie in the cart and looks at me. I still have no clue what's going on. Is she trying to tell me something? She sees the confused look on my face and says:

"Are you stupid? You really don't see what I'm trying to tell you?" She says. See what I mean? She's moody. I shake my head no and she sighs.

"I'm pregnant" she says as she looks me in the eyes. I immediately have a wide smile on my face.

"Really?!" I ask excitedly. She smiles and nods. I wrap my arms around her and embrace her in a big hug. "I'm gonna be a father!" I beam. I hear her sigh in relief and giggle.

I pull away from her slightly, my hands still attached to her waist. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. I'm just so happy that you're not angry" she says

"Why would I be angry?" I asked

"I don't know. I just wasn't sure if you wanted to start a family with me" she replies while looking down.

"Are you serious? All I've ever wanted was to start a family with you" I say honestly. That really is all I've ever wanted. To be married to Spencer, and have our own little mini-me's. I put my finger under her con and tilt her head up so she's looking at me. I give her kiss, but pull away after only 3 seconds. I don't think people would like it if Spencer and I started making out in the middle of the store.

"I love you, so much Toby" she says with a smile"

"I love you too. And I always will"

The end!

Authors note:
I know, I know. This wasn't a very good ending. At first I was gonna do a lot more with the story and have Spencer get in a car crash, but there are spoilers saying that in the next episode of pll, Spencer and Toby will get in a car crash, and I don't want people to think I'm a copy cat. Also, I've sort've gotten bored of writing this story. But I'll be posting a new story soon, so please be on the lookout for it (yes it's a spoby story)!

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