Chapter 9

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Spencer's pov:
After Toby left to go get his stuff, I headed back to Emily's hotel so that way I could tell her what happened. I told her everything, and didn't leave out any details.

"So you two kissed?!" She said before letting out an annoying high-pitched squeal.

"Yes... It was amazing" I say while I think about it. It truly was amazing. I felt this... Spark. It was like a million fireworks. Now that I think about it, Toby's the only person I've ever felt that spark with. I've never even felt that spark with Caleb. I always felt like I loved Caleb, but now that we're over, I can see clearly. Out relationship was never built on love. It was built on lust.

"So, are you two back together now, or what?"

"I'm actually not sure... Before we could really talk about it, his ex Yvonne told him he needed to go get his stuff" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Well, do you want to be in a relationship with him?" She asks.

I sit there for a few seconds, and think a little bit before speaking. "I think I do... The thing about Toby is, he's always been my safe place to land. He makes me feel special, safe, and loved"

"Well, if you feel that way, what is there to think about?"

"We both just got out of relationships... Toby was engaged, and I found out that Caleb didn't love me... Maybe it's just too soon... Also, I think it might've been my fault that Toby and Yvonne broke up. Toby keeps telling me that it's not my fault, and that 'they had it coming', but I don't believe him."

"Well isn't it a good thing that you both are single? Now, you guys finally have a chance to be together. I say, you should go for it. Give it a try. If it's too soon, then you'll figure that out." Emily says. Wow. She's pretty convincing...

"What if he doesn't feel the same way I do?"

"Come on spence. Would he have kissed you if he didn't like you? Just pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeee go talk to him"

"Wow, it seems like you really want me and Toby to get back together" I say jokingly with a giggle.

"Well, duh. You guys are like the cutest couple ever! Go Spoby!" She says with enthusiasm.

Spoby? What's a Spoby? Wait... Oh my god. She made up a ship name for us? "Emily. Please tell me you did not just make up a ship name for Toby and me." I say.

"I didn't just make it right now. I made it up a long time ago" she says with a chuckle

"You're crazy" I say jokingly

"I know. But I'm still your best friend"

"You sure are" I say while smiling.

"So are you gonna call him?" She asks hopefully

I sigh. "Fine... I'll call him." I reply.
Emily let's out a high-pitched squeal that's identical to the one she made earlier. "Tomorrow..." I add on

"Why tomorrow?" Emily asks

"Because I just saw him today, and I don't want him to think I'm obsessed or desperate. Besides, I need to think about what I'm going to say to him."

"Fine..." Emily says sadly.

-Next day-

It's already 1:30pm and I still haven't worked up the courage to call Toby... I have to. It's now or never. I go into my contacts and I'm about to call Toby, but then my phone starts to buzz, and Toby's image pops up on the screen. He's calling me! Yay! I pick up instantly

Time changes everything Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat