Chapter 3

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Spencer's pov:
After a while, Toby and I finish our conversation, and I go back to the hotel. As I open the door, I see Caleb sitting down on the couch, watching tv. When he sees me, he turns his head towards me and smiles.

"Hey. How was your meeting with the girls?" He asks.

Oh yeah, I forgot. I lied about who I was meeting with... "Um... It was good... We mainly just talked about what we've all been doing with our lives for the past few years"

"Ok. Well, I was just about to watch a movie. Want to join me?"

"Sure. Which movie are we gonna watch?" I reply while sitting down on the couch.

"I'm not sure..."

We look through some of the movies that the hotel tv has to offer.

"Ooh, how about this one?" He asks. I look at the screen and see he's talking about a horror movie. "Caleb, you know I hate horror movies. Give me the remote. I'm picking" I snatch the remote from his hands. I start to skim the movies until I find a few romance movies "how about one of these?" I ask. "Spence, are you seriously asking me to sit through a chick flick?" He says. I laugh and say "yes, I am" I put on the movie "The Notebook" and watched while i sat on the right side of the couch, and Caleb sat on the left side. Caleb and I were never the kind of people to cuddle during a movie... That's something I used to do with Toby... I wouldn't mind cuddling with Caleb, but it just seems too familiar...

At the end of the movie, I turn off the tv and turn towards Caleb. He's asleep... I shake him awake. "You seriously fell asleep? That's like, the best movie ever!" I say. "I think we both have different judgments on what 'the best movie ever' is" He says. I rolls my eyes and say: "Whatever. Let's go to bed"

The next day

I wake up to the amazing aroma of bacon. I see two plates of pancakes with eggs and bacon on the table. When he sees I'm awake, he smiles and walks over to me. "Good morning. I ordered us room service" he says. I suddenly start to think about Toby for some odd reason... I remember how every time I woke up next to him he would say something like: "good morning beautiful". Caleb never calls me beautiful... He only ever compliments my clothes and how I look "good" in them... I snap out of my thoughts and say: "Thanks. I'm starving." As we're eating breakfast, I receive a text from the group chat I'm in with Emily, Aria, and Hanna. It's from Emily.

"Hey guys. I wanted to know if later today you guys wanted to maybe get lunch at the grille? We haven't seen each other in a while, so I thought it would be fun to catch up -Em"

"Sure. That would be great. What time? -S"

"I'm free at noon. Is that fine with everyone? -Han"

"Noon's good with me -Em"

"Me too. What about you Aria? -S"

"Yeah, noon's fine. Are we allowed to bring dates? -Aria"

"Yeah. Sure -Em"

"Ok. See you guys later -S"

"See ya -Han"

When noon comes, we all meet up at the grille. It turns out that I'm the only one who brought a date that no one knows... I'm obviously with Caleb, Aria is with Ezra, Emily is with Paige, and poor Hanna is with no one... When we sit down, I notice that Hanna and Caleb keep giving each other weird looks... What's going on with them? I'm about to ask Caleb about it, but I decide to wait until lunch is finished. Aria and Ezra are the first ones to leave. We're all talking about random things when I interrupt the conversation to say: "Excuse me, I have to use the restroom". Emily and Paige must've left while I was gone, because when I come back, Hanna and Caleb are alone and having a heated conversation...

I walk up to them and ask: "What's going on?..." "Nothing..." Caleb replies. "Don't lie to her, Caleb. You need to tell her." Hanna says. "Tell me what?" I say. I'm so confused. Hanna and Caleb only met like an hour ago... What could've possibly happened that made them so angry? "I'll tell you when we get back to the hotel" Caleb says.

Hanna's pov:
We all leave the grille to go back to our hotels. I can't believe that Spencer is dating Caleb. Caleb just doesn't really seem like her type... I've always loved her and Toby together. Toby was always so sweet, and patient. Caleb and Toby are pretty much complete opposites... I just really hope Spencer doesn't freak out when Caleb tells her... I really don't want to mess things up between them...

Caleb's pov:
We get an uber and start to head back to the hotel. On the ride back, I try to think of how I'm going to tell her... She's going to be so upset... We're both quiet the whole car ride. We arrived at the hotel sooner than I thought we would. Crap. I still don't know how I'm gonna tell her. As soon as we walk into the apartment she says "Caleb... What was going on between you and Hanna?". I can't think of any other way, so I just come out and say it...

Spencer's pov:
He explains to me how he and Hanna used to date. He says that she's the girl he was planning to propose to... She's the girl he was so broken hearted over... "Did you know that Hanna and I were friends?" I ask while my voice cracks and a tear runs down my cheek.

"No, I didn't. When I dated Hanna, I only knew about her friends that lived in New York, near us. I moved to Washington DC because of my job. We tried a long distance relationship, but it didn't work. Then I started dating you. Spencer, I love you so much. I promise, I don't have feelings for her anymore"

Was that true? Did he leave his feelings for Hanna behind? I'm not sure... I want to believe him, but I just need some time to think... I nod and say "Ok... I just need some time to process things... I'll see you later..." I wipe my tears away and grab my jacket and my purse. He just lets me walk away. Wow. He doesn't even try to stop me, or say anything else... Is that something he would do if he really loved me? I don't know... I'm not thinking straight... I'm just so overwhelmed. I interrupt my thoughts for a moment so that I can get an uber to take me to the brew... I use the car ride to gather my thoughts as tears are still falling out of my eyes...

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