Chapter 15

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Spencer's pov:
I'M SO EXCITED!!!! HE FINALLY PROPOSED!!!! And to think, I was starting to get worried. I usually would still be mad at him for teasing me earlier with the tying his shoes thing, but how can I be mad when he just presented me with a beautiful engagement ring? It starts to get late, so we both decide it's time for bed. Toby falls asleep easily, but I on the other hand, am way to excited to fall asleep. I just lay next to Toby, and stare at him. Ugh. I'm sooooooooooo bored. I've been staring at my ring for the past few hours, but I've gotten tired of that. I tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't.

"Pst. Toby. Wake up" I whisper.

He groans and flips on his other side so that he's facing away from me.

"Rude." I say. "Please wake up. I'm so bored".

He looks at the alarm clock on his nightstand and replies: "Spencer, it's 3:00 in the morning. Go to sleep."

"I can't"

"And whose fault is that?" He asks sarcastically.

"Yours" I state matter of factly.

"How so?" He says as he turns back around so that he's facing me.

"I'm too excited because you proposed. Now I can't sleep."

"So now this is all my fault?" He asks. "You're the one who said yes"

"Well, how could I say no to someone who's as sweet and handsome as you are?" I say with a smile. He smiles too, and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks for the compliment, but if you're trying to sweet talk me into staying up with you, it's not gonna work." He says.

I let out a huff, and then look him in the eyes. "Please"

"Spence, I have to work tomorrow"

"Pretty please?" I say as I give him puppy dog eyes.

He looks like he's about to give in, but then he turns back around and says "no. Goodnight"

"You're mean" I say.

"Love you too" he says sarcastically before going back to sleep.

Ugh. What am I gonna do now?  I just stay in bed, and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes, until I hear a noise coming from downstairs. I get out of bed, and I'm about to go check it out, when I decide that I shouldn't go alone. I walk back over to the bed and poke Toby.

"Toby, wake up. I heard a noise downstairs" I say.

"Yeah right. Nice try." He says.

"No, Toby I'm serio-" I'm cut off by a large crash coming from downstairs. Toby's eyes widen, and he gets out of bed. "See? I told you!"

"Shhh" he says.

"Don't shush me" I whisper. Toby gets his gun and we slowly start to walk downstairs. Thank god he's a police officer. When we get downstairs, we notice that the vase he put my flowers in, has been smashed and is scattered all over the floor. We separate and take a look around and we don't see anyone. But then, I hear a quiet "meow" coming from behind me. I turn around, to see a black cat with green eyes standing there.

"Toby, come here!" I say quietly, trying not to scare the cat away.

"What is it?" Toby asks as he walks into the room I'm in. When he sees the cat, he smiles. "Hey there little guy". Toby walks closer to the cat, and the cat walks closer to Toby. Toby kneels down to get a closer look. "He doesn't have a collar" Toby says.

The cat then starts to rub his head on Toby's leg, and Toby starts to pet him.

"Look, he likes you. Can we keep him?" I ask like a 7 year old child.

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