"No, it was boring."

"Wow, history buff bored of history, what's Elijah done to you(?)" A giggle escaped me on automatic, the pair smirking in response--albeit, Ric's was much more sarcastic.

"Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming," escaped the buff in an annoyed grumble.

"You sound jealous--Sound a bit jealous(?)" Damon raised a mocking brow at Andie.

"Kinda do," she agreed with a playful shrug.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here," Ric motioned to Damon's compelled lackey.

"Andie? She's been compelled not to divulge my secrets, haven't you?" Her responding 'uh-huh' pulled them closer together so they could kiss again, my stomach rolling with the sight.

"Seriously Damon? I'm too tired to be tortured this way," I couldn't help my groan as I rested my head against the table in annoyance. It was weird. Watching through my TV screen desensitized me to Damon's heavy make-outs and tumble in the sacks, the actions only becoming more and more predictable the more the plot was engraved into my brain. But seeing it up close now. I don't know what it was, there was like this disgusted slither weighing down my stomach, the act of him getting personal with people making me feel a bit sick. I could only draw it up to our 'sibling' connection...

"This is too weird," Ric sounded confused.

"I know what you mean," my mutter bounced off of the table, forehead and nose firmly squashed against the wood

"I just need the right opportunity..." I had decided to accept my new life of resting against the wood and simply waiting on the trio to leave so I'd stop being scarred, "Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend--"

This entire plan was thrown out the window as soon as Damon's taunt actually registered in my brain. "Where?" My spine straightened on instinct, my eyes so focused on finding Elijah that I didn't pay too much attention to the small weight now attached to my hairline. A smile contorted my lips when they approached, Elijah catching my gaze pushing away any remaining bile as butterflies danced across my ribcage... "Hey Elijah."

I couldn't hold down a frown when his eyes lit with amusement, my mouth opening to question the immortal before his hand reached toward me. My whole body froze, eyes widening and shock dissipating until he stopped at my forehead and produced a crisp white napkin previously stuck to the skin. "I believe this belongs to you..."

"Annoyingly," my jaw clenched and cheeks reddened in embarrassment as I accepted the material, gaze sharpening to a glare when I caught sight of Damon snickering towards our interaction. He ceased the humor almost immediately, taking his turn to glare at me after I'd forced him to have a miniature witchgrain. "Excuse me," I didn't wait for any responses, rushing to the bathroom to see the extent of my embarrassment. I splashed my face with cold water, trying to calm my nerves so the blood pumping straight to my cheeks might even out a bit.

My crush was getting out of hand, and if I didn't learn to remain level in front of Elijah then I was convinced I wouldn't get anything productive done in his presence, and I really wanted to remain in his presence. I took another deep breath, forcing up a smile and re-joining the group, grateful to miss all the filler and walk straight into dinner arrangements.

"--You know what(?) We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party."

"Ooh, my girl, full of good ideas." Damon's arm curled around her shoulders, holding the human close as a smirk controlled his features. "I'll be happy to host--Say tonight, maybe?"

A Different World (TVD FANFIC) 1/2Where stories live. Discover now