One Night Only

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First things first , I will like to thank @aja_bahh_rayme for the thoughtful comment .. you win the prize *throws confetti* sorry if I don't seem enthusiastic , I'm just a little frustrated as to the little feed back I'm getting. :( I appreciate the comment though , thanks a lot ! :))



I woke up to the sun blinding me. I got out of bed and closed the blinds.

"Nice rack , Harmony" anonymous said.

I jumped at the voice and stared at him confusingly . I looked down and covered up in embarrassment.

"I didn't mean to scare you , and stop covering that body up .. you're beautiful".

"Thanks, " I said shyly.


"So , about last.."

I blushed , reminiscing at what happened last night .

"Let's not talk about it." I said.

"O-okay" , he looked down disappointed.

I frowned slightly , but this is for the best. I don't want to ruin our friendship. If we dawn on the fact that we fucked , it'll make things more complicated.

I grabbed my shower tools and went into the bathroom.

I stood in the shower for about an hour , washing away my problems.

I got dressed in:

For the dinner tonight. We were congratulating my baby on his report card. I was hoping Chres would still show up despite the events that occurred.

I went and cooked his favorite before waking him up.


Chres P.O.V

This is what I get for expressing my feelings. I'll just call up one of my females from back in the day , before I had to worry about Harmony.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Aja's number. Believe it or not she was my first love , maybe she can be my date for tonight.

I sat in silence , waiting for her to answer.

"Hello?", her soft spoken voice answered.

"Aja , you do remember me right?" I joked.

"Of course , fat head .. where you been haven't seen you around Cali lately"

"Long story..", I sighed and begin catching up with her from lost time of seeing each other. I hope we can rebuild what we had and I can forget about Harmony.

We laughed and joked for a few more hours and she agreed to be my date ... but only as a friend .. ;) sureeee. She was flying all the way out from Cali to come to me in Miami.

Sometimes I wonder .. what would've happen if I would've never went to the strip club that night ....


4 years ago

I was at home , chilling when I got a phone call.


"Aye' you coming to Nude Central tonight right?"

"Nah , I'm with Aja.. I think she might finally give it up."

Confessions of a Stripper (in the process of rewriting and editing!)Where stories live. Discover now