Harmony's Diary

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I woke up early that morning to get my son ready before dropping him off at my best friend's house.
I was kicked out of my parent's home at the age of 13. My mother was not the best influence and prioritized her next fix over her children. I was too young to play the mother role, not even hitting puberty yet, but I still tried to send money as I got older. However, the money never seemed to get to them.

Anyway, I have my own son now. A bouncing, bright two year old, who I plan to give the world to.

My phone rang.

"Hello," I spoke into the phone groggily.
"Yo Mony," I heard my boss Derek belch.
Before I could get my response out, he continued.

"I'm going to need you to work a few more hours tonight. We got big money rollin' in after hours.

I rolled my eyes and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Do I actually get paid this time?", I asked.

"Of course baby!" I could feel his smile through the phone.

"You the best I have. Just keep doing you like I know you can and I'll see what I can do."

"Alright, thanks. See you in a few hours." I stated as I ended the call.

I rushed to my bathroom and started my shower. As I undressed, I watched myself in the mirror.

Turning my head at a slight angle, I ran my fingers along the scar on the side of my neck that slightly brushed my cheek.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and hopped in the shower.

After throwing on my robe, I walked to my son's room across the hall to wake him up.

"Hi baba," I cooed as he flashed his dimples at me.

"Mama!" He exclaimed reaching to hug me.

"Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

I gently put him down on his feet.

"I slept good. Is daddy Chris coming to see me today?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in a questionable manner.

"Daddy?" I asked while trying not to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Yes, that's what he told me to call him."

I'm going to kill his ass. I murmured under my breath.

"No! Mama don't kill his ass!"

I popped his butt playfully.

"Don't say that", I said while pointing a stern finger in his face.

"Sorry, but are we going ma?"

I could see his eyes welt up as he gave me his signature puppy dog face.

No matter how much I hated it, I knew how much my best friend meant to him. Chrisander was the only father figure he knew.

"Sure baby, but if you don't hurry we won't have time to eat."

He raced out of the room to begin his morning routine.

After I got him ready, he sat downstairs while I finished slipping on my outfit for today.

I slipped on a slinky black sundress with a slit, caressing my thigh. I dressed in flip flops and let my curly hair flow to the middle of my back in it's natural state.

I grabbed my purse and headed down stairs.

"Chrissy, let's go!" I yelled as we raced out the house.

We arrived at Chrisander's house and I pressed in the key code. The gate creaked opened slowly to reveal his mansion.

Pulling the car into park, I unbuckled my son and headed to the door.

Before I could grab the handle,  my best friend opened it and his original sexy smile spread across his face.

"You buzzed," he said cheekily.

He embraced me as the scent of his Polo™️ Black cologne inflamed my nostrils.

It was actually comforting being hugged by a man that wasn't trying to woo me with his social security check.

We let go and I kissed his cheek.

"There's no way you're coming in with that crap you just pulled." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh really," I said while popping my hand on my hip.

I leaned in to kiss him on the cheek but he turned his face causing me to kiss him on the lips. Christian just stood there with a goofy grin on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that Chris?" I asked.

"Daddy said that you liked him and he said that you should just admit it and stop being so stubborn," he said with a little too much confidence.

I looked at him and my son in a menacingly way. They gave me the "uh-oh"  look before my fist connected with Chrisander's abdomen.

I heard him wince and laugh, "Ouch, that hurt!"

"Shut up and stop being so damn dramatic", I countered jokingly.

"Ooh that's a no-no word Mrs.August."

Before I could respond to his foolishness, he replied.

"No need to yell, just admit that you wanna be with me."

He wore a stupid smirk on his face as he sat down beside me on the couch.

"Whatever," I sighed.

I put my son's toys and clothes for the night on the island and strutted towards the door.

I knew he was watching my ass sway.

"I'll see you later, Chrissy," I said as I blew him a kiss and waved goodbye.

I felt my best friend jogging after me.

Before I could turn around, he grabbed my arm.

I quickly snapped around and snatched my arm away. All I seen was pure rage and fury.

"You know I hate when people touch me like that Chresanto!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,"he said honestly. "You still working at that strip club aren't you Harmony?"

"No," I quickly let out.

He smacked his lips and murmured something under his breath, then spoke up.

"Man, why you gotta lie to me?"

"Why do you care?"

"-Because I do , Harmony! And you know that. When are gonna realize you need to stop doing this before you get hurt?"

I sat there astonished biting my lips to fight the tears. But I failed.

"Please, don't cry. You just dont know how much I care about you, girl," he whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

I managed to crack a smile and head to my car.

I drove off to my house and black smoke flooded the streets.

When i finally reached my house, or what was left of it, the air was so engulfed in darkness. I couldn't see through the front windshield.

Every inch and square was burning and tearing apart as time went by.

Shielding my face, I walked towards the fiery red light and dropped to my knees.

It felt as if time stood still as I wept loudly on the concrete.

"Ma'am, ma'am?"

I heard the faint noise of a male voice as I blacked out.

I thought, Who would do something like this?

Then I remembered. Why me?

Confessions of a Stripper (in the process of rewriting and editing!)Where stories live. Discover now