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Jade's POV

The sun shone through my window landing directly on my face. I pulled my covers further up my face to block out the sun. It didn't though because my sheets were pretty thin. I turned my back towards the sun so it wouldn't be so direct in my face. I pulled the sheets off me and walked over to my window and pulled the curtains closed. I stalked back over to my bed wanting to sleep longer and looked at the clock. It was seven in the morning!

I jumped back into bed not to be disturbed again for another hour or two. Before my eyes completely closed I felt something inside telling me something was missing and I was forgetting it.

Jesy's POV

I slowly ate breakfast wondering why Jade had texted me this weird message last night. I wonder what is wrong with Perrie I thought as I made my to the sink and dropped off my bowl now empty. Still hungry I walked over to my pantry and opened it to reveal food (of course). I looked around for something that I wanted to eat, but nothing I had I wanted to eat. I snickered to myself as I though of Perrie.

That is who I probably sound like right now. Finally, I decided on some bread and put it in the toaster to crisp up. Sitting back down in a chair, I pulled out my phone and texted Leigh-Anne.

What's up Leigh? Do have any idea why Jade texted us last night?

The smell of burning toast brought me back from texting. I placed my phone down and ran over to my toaster. Popping the now burnt toast made me not hungary anymore. I mean who wants to eat burnt toast? Through it away I decided to leave now for Jade's house. I can not wait to hear what she has to say.

Leigh-Anne POV

As Jesy texted me I was surprised to feel the same way she did. Confused, I mean the last time we saw Perrie and Jade was like two days ago and everything was fine. Perrie probably ran out of pickles or something. I mean right, what could possibly be wrong? Then again Jade doesn't call us every day telling me that there is something wrong with Perrie.

Grabbing my keys, I walked out the door and shut it still pondering what was going on. I jumped in my car and drove off.

It didn't take very long until I got to Perrie and Jades house. I opended the car door and got out to see Jessy also waiting there. Hmmm, well isn't this getting interesting. I jogged up to Jesy who waved to me from the other girls front door. 

"What's up?" She asked me as I walked up the front steps out of breath from running the length of the drive way. 

"Nothing, but I have no idea what is going on. Do you know why Jade texted us?" I asked. Jessy shock her head. No but she isn't answering her phone, or any of my texts. I laughed and smiled, this is just like Jade to sleep in during a time of crisis. 

Speed walking past Jesy I felt the door knob of the door, surprise it was locked. Bending down I reached under the door matt and pulled out the spare key that was supposed to be secret but anyone could find it. Putting the key into the door knob a satisfing click went off telling me the door had been unlocked. Jesy and I walked in and went upstairs into Jades room to find her asleep.

Jade's POV

"Wake up!" I heard someone scream into my ear. I covered myself under the blankets to get away from them. But of course the annoying yelling came back, but from a different voice.

"Get up Jade!" Jesy screamed into my ear. God these girls could be very annoying when they wanted to be.

"What? What do you want from me?" I snapped as I through the blankets off me and faced them. They gave me an angrey look and shook their heads.

"You called us last night telling us there was a big emergency about Perrie and you needed us here at this time in the morning." Leigh-anne whispered/ yelled. I squinted my eyes then the relization came to me.  

"Oh ya, I did say that didn't I," I whispered half to myself. My eyes opened wider as the sleep started to ware off on me. "Oh my god!" I said to myself as I jumped out of bed. I ran past the girl and down the hallway. They gave me questioning looks as they followed me but I ignored them. Running up towards Perrie's room I through the door open, to revel and empty bed. 

"No, No, No!" I yelled to the other girls. "She's gone what are we supposed to do. I knew something was going on with her." I breathed as the Jesy and Leigh-anne made finally made their apperance in the door way. 

"Maybe she just went out to get some food? Maybe she was craving something you guys didn't already have." I shook my head even before Jesy finished the question.

"No, I know Perrie and she especially when she is pregnant does not get up early." I walked over to her closest I had been rumaging through last night, trying to find more clues. Turning on the lights the closest was still a mess, but that didn't stop my frantic search. I went through all of Perrie's purses, nothing. I went through her jackets, nothing. Gosh, there has to be something here. Walking out of the closet in unhappiness I sat on her bead only to find the other girls looking through Perrie's stuff. 

We were never going to find anything. Laying down on Perrie's bed I sighed. Why did I wait so long to notice something wrong with Perrie? How stupid am I? As I layed on the bed pondering my thoughts Leigh-ann screamed, "I found something!"

I sat up like a bullet running over to Leigh-anne and Jesy standing next to Perrie's lamp that weighed like a billion pounds. In Leigh-ann's hands was a piece of paper. 

"Well open it," I commanded my anxiety taking over. Leigh-anne carefully unfolded the paper and read it aloud. It looked like......

                                                   St.Anna's Hospital

To: Perrie Edwards

Doctor: Dr.James

Type of Operation: abortion

Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2013

Information: Come into the hospital at around 7:30 a.m. Go through the glass doors and up to the front desk. Check in and go to the fourth floor. Take off your clothes and put on the clothes we will provide you with. We will prep you for your surgery and the surgery will take place around 9:40 a.m. The surgery will take around an hour and thirty minutes.

As we all finished reading the letter we gasped. Perrie was getting an abortion! I turned my head to the clock and her night stand, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. It was eight thirty and it was about an hours worth ride there, plus traffic. We would never be able to get there. My eyes filled with tears. How could Perrie do this I thought she would at least tell us first. 

Salty tears ran down my cheeks as relization hit me that Perrie was really going to kill her baby. What can we do I thought. 

"Wait! Isn't Zayn staying at Harry's house?" Jesy shouted. I sat up thinking she was on to something.  I waved my hands telling her to keep talking. "Well his house is only forty minutes away he could be able to get there and time and possiable stop her. I smiled hope returning to my body. 

Leigh-anne frantically flipped open her phone and started typing in Zayn's number. She put the phone up to her ear. I could practically hear the other line ringing it was so silent. Then the most amazing sound had come on. 

"Hello?" Zayn said into the other line.

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