No more

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Perrie's POV

After I circled Nados twice to make sure I had lost the papperazi I drove up to my doctors office. I ran in closing the door shut behind me. Walking up to the counter out of breath I grumbled," I need to see Dr.James now!" Lynda just nodded not wanting to ask questions. She picked up a buzzer and pushed down on the red button. A tiny buzzing noise was heard and a couple seconds later it stopped. She pointed to a chair indicating me to sit down and wait.

"He will be out with you shortly." She said going back to her work. I took deep breathes as I placed a hand on my stomach. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself. All I hear is the clicking of Lynda's long colourful nails clipping the key board. And the cloak slowly keeping a steady beat.

Minutes later I felt someone standing in front of me. I guess you could say a sixth sense told me. I opened my eyes to see Dr.James in his white lab coat smiling. Gosh, how I wish I was as happy as he is right now.

"Hello Mrs.Edwards come into my office." He smiled turning around. I nodded and got up following him into his office. He took a seat in his usaual rolling black chair. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked. I stared into his eyes wanting everything that has happened in the last five months to be gone. And the world going back to me being with Zayn happy, not alone, sad, and pregnant.

"Is there anyway we can have my operation in the next few days?" I asked hoping I wasn't asking for to much. He looked at me wide eyed. Almost with disbelief of how much I didn't want this baby. Oh if only he knew. Dr.James opened a tan file and started flipping through some pages. His eyebrows came together in concentration. After a couple seconds of page flipping he looked up and spoke.

"Miss Edwards, your scheduled operation is in five days what has so urgently come up that it must be done even sooner?" I sighed why did he have to ask that question? Of all questions why this one?

"Look things have come up in my life! Since I found out I was found out I was pregnant my life has been a living hell! My boyfriend left me and I am afraid the same will happen to my band mates!" I yell whisper, tears are pouring out of my eyes. I left out the part of managment forcing me to get ride of this baby.

"Look I have to do this operation now, within a matter of days everyone in the world will know and I can't have that. Management will kick me out of the band! I also don't want my friends disappointed with me." I whispered. I clasp a hand over my mouth as soon as I relize what I just said. I can't believe I just let all of my feelings out to my doctor.

Dr.James looks at me wide eyed. I probably look like a lunatic to him. He looks down and what he says next was not what I was expecting to hear.

"You understand I hate having to kill babies, but I also realize you wouldn't do this yourself. I can see you want this baby. But I don't want it to ruin your life. I will reschedule your operation for tomorrow." He says looking down. I thank him, knowing how hard that was for him to say. Even though he is my doctor and he has to do as I say for this baby, I am glad he sees where I am coming from.

I nod happy at least one thing has worked out today. The only thing left to do is keep this from Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne. I am cut off by Dr.James.

"I will have someone call you tonight with the directions for what to do and where to go." He says as he and I both exit the room. Sweat started to build up on my palms, not because I am nervous but from all the running around I have been doing.

Walking out of the building I don't feel happy or sad. I don't feel like I am doing the right thing nor I am doing anything wrong. I just feel different. I know it sound crazy but a feel funny. Like my mind is telling me kill this living thing inside of me, but my heart is telling me to not do. To let this baby live its life it deserves. I shake my head, what I am doing is for the good of the band, and Zayn's and mines life. Well more like my life.

I slowly sit down in my car and close the door. I pull out my phone and go on twitter to see comments all about my pregnancy being revealed. I roll my eyes and turn off my phone. I already know the comments will probably negative saying mean things about me. So why bring my spirits down even further? Driving home feels to quick and I don't want to face Jade.

Pulling myself out of the car, I walked up to the front door. I carefully unlocked it and walked in. Inside I saw Jade in the kitchen cooking God only knows what but it smells good. My nose had become very sensitive since I became pregnant and it started started to figure out what Jade was cooking.

Meat, Bread or some kind of dough, butter. Walking in I saw Jade cooking I have no idea what. Jade was very concentrated on cooking her meal with a cook book in front of her. I coughed to get her attention, and she quickly looked up. Quickly jumping back as she saw my face.

"What happened to your face?" She whispered as she forgot about her food and came up to me. For a second I was confused but then I remembered the scratches I had gotten when I fell. I blushed as Jade started to baby me.

"Are you okay? What happened? Who did this?" Jade asked quickly. I smiled and was deciding on weither or not to tell her when a funny smell hit my nose. Looking up I saw a pan and what ever was inside it was on fire.

"Jade!" I pointed to the pan. She turned around and with lighting speed grabbed the pan and through it in the sink and turned on the cold water.

"Wooo! That was close she," said leaning on the sink. I silently thanked god she forgot about the question, and left her to clean up the mess. Tomarrow will be a very stressful day.

Perrie's pregnancy- a Zerrie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now