Long time no see!

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Perrie's POV

1 month later after the first appointment

I sat in the airport chair waiting for Zayn's plane to come in next to Eleanor. I was a nervous wreck. Today I had worn a very lose shirt to hide my small but noticeable three month belly. If I had worn a tight shirt everyone would have seen my belly, but since no one knew about this except all my band mates I wasn't going to show just yet. My train of thought was cut off by the employee speaking into the microphone.

"Plane 209 has landed from New York City, US. I looked down at my watch eight o'clock pm right on time. Eleanor and I stood up. I was looking for Zayn but I couldn't see him yet. There it was black hair in a quiff next to brown hair. That must of been Zayn and Louis going to luggage pick up. I scurried over there and saw Zayn's back towards me picking up his passing luggage. I ran and stood directly behind him. He turned around and walked right into me I was so close. He gasped and hugged me and smiled. Oh how much I had missed that smile.

"I didn't know you were going to be here. I missed you so much!" He whispered before pecking me on the lips.

"I missed you to," I said back as we let go of each other. Only to have cameras flashing at us in many different directions, but nothing not even that could ruin my mood.

"I brought my car and thought you and I could have some dinner together." I smiled. He nodded in delight as be picked up his luggage and walked over to the other boys and Eleanor and told them he was leaving. He came back and we walked out of the airport together. He put his luggage in the trunk of my car and before I got in the driver's seat he grabbed the keys from my hand and jumped in the driver's seat. I grunted and walked over the passengers side and got in to see Zayn with a wide smile on his face.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"How about Nandos," he agreed and we drove of. Twenty minutes out of the forty minute drive I felt a nagging feeling in the back of my head yelling at me to tell him. I gathered all the nerve I had and started to speak.

"Zayn I need to tell you something." I started. He nodded and glanced at me for a second telling me to continue. "Um I haven't been completely honest with you. You know when you called asking me neither the magazine was true or not. Well that's where I lied to you." He took a sharp breath as the words left my mouth but I continued before he said anything. "Look Zayn I am pregnant." Once those few worlds were out he slammed the brake on. Thank God there was nobody else on the road.

"You lied to me." He said through gritted teeth. His eyes were slits and he was gripping the steering wheel so roughly that his knuckles were white.

"Please let me explain I...." but I was cut off by Zayn. His voice so low I started shake.

"Get out of the car," he whispered without looking at me.

"What did you say?" I asked him.

"I said get out of the car!" He yelled anger rising. I knew arguing wouldn't help so I did as I was told. Tears streamed down my face as I closed the door and he drove off. How did this happen? I thought to myself. I was in the middle of far away land to get home would be an hour walk. That was never going to happen so I guess I was forced to calling a friend. More tears streamed down my face as I dialed Jade's number. It rang a few times before Jade picked up.

"Hello Perrie what's up," she asked confusion in her voice. Then all the stress from the last few months came crashing down on me and I screamed then cried. "Perrie what's wrong? Please tell me? Where are you." She shot out questions faster then the tears rolling down my face.

"I am at the corner of Towns New road and I need you to pick me up," I say through the tears.

"Of course what happen? I thought.. you told didn't you?" She softly. My silence was my answer..

"I will be right there but after we're talking Zayn and he's not going to like talking to anger Jade." She said through clenched teeth. I smiled thank God I had friends like her or I would be heart broken right now.

"Thank you," I whisper as I wipe away my tear stained face. With that I hung up and I was alone again, completely covered by darkness. I started walking the direction home to help me think.

"What am I going to do? My baby can't be father less weather Zayn likes it or not." I say aloud. It is not like there is any body around that could bear me. I am completely alone, both physically and mentally.

Jade's POV

My bed sank a little as I got in. I sat down and turned on my Tv with my popcorn bowl at my legs. This movie was so good it never got old. Right as I got to the very scary part my phone rang. I nearly ran away and hide I got so scared. I picked up my phone to see Perrie calling. I thought she was going out to eat with Zayn. I turned the volume down on the tv and hit answer.

"Hello Perrie what's up?" I asked waiting to get an answer but all I heard on the other end was Perrie crying. It broke my heart to hear her like this. "Perrie what's wrong, what happened, where are you?" I asked quickly wanting answers.

"I am at Towns New Road and I need you to pick me up." She cracked. I thought she was with Zayn? Why would she be there? Where is Zayn? Then it hit me and I started to shake with hatred and anger.

"Of course but I thought.. you told him didn't you?" I asked confirming my theory. I clenched my hands and just couldn't resist adding. "I will be right there but after we're having a talk with Zayn and he is not going to like talking to an angry Jade." I hear Perrie whisper a thank you and hang up. Steam is practically coming out of my ears. That little b**** thinks he can just leave Perrie when ever he wants. Well he has a thing or two coming his way. I roughly turn off my Tv and ran into Perrie's and mine living room. I grab my keys and phone and race to my car locking the front door. I quickly dial Harry's number in because be was first on my contacts. It rang a couple times but finally a tired voice came on.

"Hello?" Harry yawned it was only nine thirty.

"Were is Zayn?" I say shout.

"Well someone is very demanding and he hasn't come home yet." He answers clearly hearing the anger in my voice.

"Thank you," I sigh and hang up. The rest of the ride just consisted of me staring at the road. After twenty minutes of that I see a figure walking on the side of the road. I stop and realize it's Perrie. I pull over next to her and she slowly walks over and opens the car door and sits down head in hands.

"I don't know what to do," she cries. I pat her should trying to calm her. But inside I am raging, Zayn is going to have one hell of a time when I talk( more like yell) at him.

Authors Note: Only three more days till I pick a person for my story. :D

Perrie's pregnancy- a Zerrie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now