Why Did I Fall For Her? (Draco Malfoy Story)

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Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The giant old grandfather clock was tick-tocking in the hallways, echoing the whole first floor. Everyone was fast asleep. Everyone, except for Severus Snape. The grumpy professor, who was usually pretty much emotionless, was sitting behind his bureau, his head in his hands, trying to figure out what was going to be happening in the nearby future, which was - the next day. He was supposed to announce to all of the students they were expecting a new one, a Slytherin. One that was twice, no - three times, or maybe even four times mightier than all of them combined. It was someone that was sent on a dangerous quest in Hogwarts and no one was supposed to find out what it was. Severus was also worried about the new kid meeting Draco Malfoy, by far one of the strongest aces they had in the school. He was already chosen by the Dark Lord, but wasn't yet 'death-marked', and to be honest, the young wizard was scared to his bones from the actual encryption of the mark on his arm. But it wasn't the tattoo that worried Snape, it was the to-be Slytherin. He had gotten a command from Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, and from, of course, the Dark Lord himself, to take the child in. The teacher had already started to circle his workspace because of his nervousness. 

It wasn't long until the morning sunrise lit partially the first level of the school. Snape was waken up by Minerva McGonnagall, who had crossed the endless steps down to his office. She was pushing him lightly, so he would open his eyes, and so he did. 'I hear you have got important business to do today?' she said, looking down at him. He slowly sat up. 'How did you know?' he asked. 'I found a note I believe belongs to you casually resting on that big old staircase of yours.' she handed him the note. He stood up and threw it in the trash bin, having it vanish into fin air. 'Off we go, Minerva, we are having guests!' he pushed the woman out of the door and up the stairs again.

What could this kid look like? What might it do? Why do I always get the rather hard jobs? Those questions were running through Snape's mind while he was walking into the main hall, and off to breakfast, where all of the scholars were eating. This was it, and even though it wasn't that big of a deal - introducing some child to the rest of Hogwarts, Severus couldn't put his mind together on why he was so afraid. The breakfast had already started when the teachers entered the place. McGonnagall took her seat at the teacher's table, while Snape stood straight behind the announcement desk. 'Ahem.' he coughed out loudly. Nobody seemed to pay any attention. He tried once more, until he finally had enough and took his wand out. 'Silentio'  he spoke and the whole studentbody shut up. 'Thank you' he started 'Now, today I was... Let's say "summoned" upon a very important duty. I am extremely proud that I was the one to be told to do this, and I will take this very seriously. We will be welcoming a new student today. He will be put in Slytherin and I want everybody to be nice with him. I want to let all of you know that this student is pretty strong, so try to behave around him. He will join the seniors during first period, which is Potions. Second period is Transfiguration and I want every single Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor student to treat your new classmate correctly. Dismissed.' he took his wand out and said 'Locutus', giving the young ones their rights to speak once more. He sat in his seat, digging into his food. 

'Whoa, you hear that, a new geek to mess with!' laughed Crabbe, eating greasily onto his scrambled eggs. 'Calm down, you pig, let me decide what we should do to this newbie first. I am Head Boy, after all.' Draco smiled proudly at himself. 'Of course, Malfoy, so... What shall we do to him?' Goyle asked. 'Well, for starters, we might consider a little less physical, and some more mental damage for the little novice. After that, we will come together for me to decide what to do next.' Draco stood up. 'Now off we go to Potions class, my little gullible nuns, we have a loner to kick around.'

Class had already started when there was a knock on the door. Draco and his friends, and also everybody else in the room didn't really pay any attention to the knock. They were all too busy chatting on how their potions, when in came a rather tall girl. 'And who might you be? Are you lost?' Snape walked up to her. 'I'm Dianna Rubin, you idiot. You were supposed to pick me up from the front door, but instead I had to walk into here all by myself, having some disgusting freak with a horridious hairless cat ask me who I was. You do know I'm supposed to let Voldemort know how my stay here is working out, don't you? And when he asks me tonight, what do you want me to say? Oh, it's going great! I wasn't picked up by that piscule of yours called Snake or whatever and instead, I was in the company of a smelly old man who forgot about scissors and shampoo a long, long time ago.' Snape stood up straight immediately. 'Y-you're the mightiest? But you're a girl...' he asked. She looked at his like he was retarded. 'And you're sexist. Of course I'm a girl. Got a problem with that? And yes, I am the one and only mighty Slytherin.' she said. 'Now where do I sit in this hell pit?' she asked looking around. 'Uh... You can just sit on my desk, your classes don't start until tomorrow.' he said. She smiled. 'Since you say so...' she sat down, still not pulling any attention onto her. She wasn't even wearing a Slytherin robe, she was wearing skinny jeans, a grey blazer with a messed up T-Shirt and a pair of grey fringe boots on her feet. Her dark blonde hair was tied in a side fishbone braid and her eyes were shutting themselves. 'Mind if I take a nap?' she asked. Snape, a little scared, shook his head no. She lay her head on her hands and closed her eyes on the desk. Soon enough, the class was dismissed and everyone was heading to Transfiguration. Snape tried leaving, too. 'Ahem.' he heard Dianna say and turned his head backwards towards her. 'It's obvious you want me to tell Voldemort that Hogwarts is indeed in need of a new Slytherin principal.' she stood up. 'Unless you want to escort me to Transfiguration?' she asked, reaching the door where Severus was standing still as a statue. 'Of course, follow me.' he said, pacing rapidly through the hallways. 'You do know I will be introducing you to the others now, don't you?' he asked, stopping in front of the classroom. 'Sure, whatever.' she raised her arms, looking through her one-shoulder bag. 'Okay, let's get going. You stay here, and I will tell you when to come in.' 'Just don't take too long, okay?' she snapped. 'I won't.' she nodded and he stepped inside. 'Now, class, this morning I told you about a new student we will be greeting today, right?' he paused for the class to agree. Draco and his sidekicks had devilish smiles on their faces 'Sure, why not.' the blonde wizard said. 'Alright, first off - this new student is from a long lie -' he was interrupted by the loud steps of Dianna, walking into the classroom graciously. 'I said - don't take too long.' she seemed a bit anxious as she sat down at some Hufflepuff kid's desk. The kid backed to the side, looking a little terrified. 'Got a problem with me, you little minger?' she spat. The kid shook his head slowly. Draco's mouth was dropping to the floor. It was a GIRL. And she was more aggressive than even him. And she was actually -- not that bad physically. He turned his head towards Snape. 'Uh, alright, I'll see you all at lunch, then. Have a pleasant class.'  Snape rushed out the door. 'Sure...' Dianna shrugged sarcastically. Draco sank into his seat, not letting a single word out until the end of the class. During it, though, all he could think about was the fact she was born stronger of a wizard than him and that she could easily not only take him down, but also take his position of a Head Boy away. And she was pretty good-looking, so she could just flutter her eyes and win Dumbledore, letting her take his place as Head of Slytherin. Malfoy was a little too distracted during this class. He got the urge to look at her, to see if this wasn't some nightmare. He turned around slowly, while she was drawing something on a sheet of paper. She was more beautiful than he had thought she was in the first place. He had to get to know who she was. He had to talk to her after class...

Hey, everyone reading this. I thank you so much for reading my story, I will update frequently, as this is the first story I'm writing and feeling so incredibly excited about. I have a lot of ideas, though I want to hear your ideas, too.  Comment and tell me what you think, it would REALLY mean the world to me. <3

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