Chapter 8 ~ Best friends

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Things to know:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair color
(E/c) = eye color
(F/c) = favorite color



Your POV

The weird reunion ended finally with me storming out of the room with a pissed off expression.


I was raging in my head that I didn't notice that someone was in front of me as I exited the building I was in, which caused us to bump into each other.

"Oh I'm sorry!  I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized.

"It's okay! I'm Lucy by the way! You're (Y/n) the new girl here right?" A black haired girl with red eyes asked.

"That's me!" I said.

"Cool! It's nice to meet you! Say, I have nothing to do right now and I would like to get to know you so why don't I give you a tour around this place? I only arrived here a few weeks ago so I don't know all the places, but I'll show you what I can okay?" Lucy suggested.

"Sounds great! I'd love a tour right now!" I smiled.

Omg Lucy is a life saver! Maybe I can get my mind off of those idiots from before.

We began walking towards the beach and Lucy told me about all the houses and who lived in them as we passed them. I really enjoyed Lucy's company and she's a fun person anyway so I have feeling we might get close. Little did I know that this moment would be ruined by a jerk named Jordan.

"Hey pig face! Long time no see!" Jordan said walking next to me with an evil smirk.

"Leave us alone Jordan! And don't call (Y/n) that!" Lucy warned.

"Oh what's this? Has little loner here made friends? Lucy I'm doing you a favor here! You do not want to be friends with this loner!" Jordan laughed.

Breathe (Y/n)... Just... Breathe...

"Jordan I swear to god! Leave us alone!" Lucy warned again.

"Nah! I think I'll stick around! I'd like to know what potato here is gonna do. I bet she's gonna start crying." Jordan laughed.


I grabbed my sword and knocked Jordan to the ground. I placed my sword against his neck.

"Listen here dick head! I don't know what the hell your problem is with me, but I swear I'm gonna kill you if you don't leave me alone!" I said with rage. Jordan was shocked, but a smirk appeared on his face a few seconds after.

"Well well well! Looks like the loner here can talk after all! And if I'm completely honest. You've gotten way more sexier over these past 13 years. Like damn! Who knew a dead person could be hot!" Jordan smirked looking at my body.

"Oh my god! Eww! You pervert!" I yelled and got off of Jordan. He got up and just continued smirking.

"If you don't take that smirk off of your ugly ass face I swear!" I warned. Jordan just smirked more.

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