"It's only temporarily...it could be fixed."

Iris closed her eyes, "It still sucks though. And not if we don't get the money it won't be. Without the surgery I'll be blind forever, and we both know I will be. We don't have that kind of money for the operation I need."

When Iris left her sister and got separated from Allele on that eventful day, she had ran away with some of the other kids who had been jumping her sister. Angry that her twin had stabbed their friend up, they jumped Iris. They beat her so bad her whole face had swelled. It didn't take her long to run into Allele the very next day. She had been pacing in front of her foster mother's building, Ms. Pat. Thinking about returning, but Allele had luckily found her in time and stopped her. Days had passed when Iris started to complain about her head and her eyes hurting. It got so bad that she would start to cry. Allele never really paid her any mind because Iris cried all the time for any and everything.

But months after the incident, well after she would continue to cry and complain about her head and her eyes always hurting. She would start bumping into things that were clearly right there and she complained that her vision was getting worse. It got so bad Allele had no choice but to take them into the hospital when they turned sixteen. Two whole years after the incident. When test were ran, they found out the lesions on the retinoblastoma of her eyes were badly destroyed. She had took severe blows to the face when she got jumped, which managed to separate her lesions in her eyes, resulting in her vision deteriorating over time. Because it's been six years since the attack and she's never gotten any medical assistance, she went completely blind.

Allele sighed and softly pushed her back a little. He put his arms behind him on the concrete and pulled himself out the pool. "Come on." He said, Iris stepped forward again and Allele easily pulled her out with one hand. "Don't worry about it. We'll figure something out."

The hotel was only around the corner from where they lived. They never stayed in the rooms in the hotel but Allele still booked a room for thirty minutes to an hour because Iris liked the use the pool. There was a community pool nearby their house but they weren't into using public pools that everyone swam in everyday. He rather spend the money even if they didn't have it.

Instantly shivering and cold, Iris snuggled up to his body. They had forgot to bring towels with them so they would have to walk down the block just how they came. Being it was Summer, it was 77° degrees outside, so it was still warm despite it being three o' clock in the morning.

Outside, crickets chirped and the moon shun bright. The two walked in silence back to their apartment with Allele leading the way. He held Iris' hand, quickly pulling them along. He didn't want them to be in any drama. For the hood, neighborhood they lived in was fairly quiet and nothing ever really happened, but all it took was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

After a successful three minute walk with no incident, Allele keyed them into their apartment building and rode the elevator up to their floor. As soon as they walked into their apartment, Iris sighed heading straight for the shower. She maneuvered around the couch she knew was in her way before heading straight down the hallway. In their apartment, Iris had no problem moving around and doing for herself. She had lived here for years and knew the place like the back of her hand.

Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now