Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

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Derek finally composed himself and the audience of high schoolers went back to their work.

He walked to where we were working. "Not cool, Grey." He said under his breath.

"Oh look, the ass knows my name. Not sure that's a compliment though." I continued the work we were supposed to do ten minutes before that.

"You don't know me alright? Don't judge a book by its cover." He got defensive.

"Oh how cliche.  I may not know you, but I know guys like you. You're a bunch of assholes that just want to terrorize other kids because you don't know how to handle yourself. You're just as scared as the rest of us, you just have a horrible way of showing it." I wrote down the results and headed back to the classroom where there were a few other people done.

Derek stopped me before I could enter the room. "You may think you know me, but you don't. At all."

"I don't intend on knowing you. I can promise you that." I told him.

I broke free of his tight grip and entered the classroom to put my things in my book bag. I saw George looking at me. I didn't feel like figuring out why. I brushed it off and sat down. You could feel the tension in the room for the remainder of class.


The day was long, but I eventually made it through and the last bell rang. I went to see my friends before I went to work. They were at our usual spot, including George.

I walked up to them and they gave me the look.

"What?" I asked.

"It was a nice thing you did for me. Thanks Mer." Alex said.

"No need to thank me. You're family." I paused. "How'd you find out about that anyway?"

"It's all around school. You know how rumors fly around here." He answered, but looked at George.

"I have to get to work. I'll see you guys later. Don't get into too much trouble." I pointed directly to Alex.

Alex chuckled. "I'll try not to."

I ran to my car and drove home to change. I had thirty minutes to go home, change, and get to work.

I drove into the driveway and was surprised when mom's car was there. I sighed and entered the house, and hoped I didn't have to talk or see her. I quickly ran up to my room and changed.

"Meredith!" My mom called from downstairs.

I didn't know what she wanted and I honestly didn't want to find out.

I walked down the stairs and there she was, standing at the end of the steps.

"Why are you dressed like that?" She asked.

"I told you this morning. I have work. Which is in 20 minutes." I passed her to get to my keys and grabbed my bag.

"You're not going anywhere." She replied, sternly.

"Mom, I don't know what's going on with you, but I've gotta get to work. Quite frankly, I think you should too."

"Do not speak to your mother like that."

I grabbed the door handle and opened the door. "Bye mom." I ran to my car and got out of the driveway as fast as I could. Knowing her, she probably would've tried to chase me down if I was going any slower.

I drove to the small diner that only had a few cars in the parking lot. I parked and ran in.

"You're late." My boss yelled.

"I know. I'm sorry, my mom was going on some kinda rant."

"I'll let it slide, but next time you won't get off the hook, Grey."

He always found sympathy for me. After what he saw one night at my house, I wouldn't blame him.

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