chapter six-exercise and exams

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Talia's POV

I woke with an arm draped over my stomach and another under my head. I carefully removed them and creeped out of my room. I waltzed down the stairs. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I would've done this AGES ago if I know how it made me feel.

"Waffles!!" If my mood wasn't good enough, mom made waffles. I saw a piece of paper on the table. I walked over curiously.

Hi darlings.
I've gone to the mall with the quads. I'll be back by half eleven. Your placement exams are at twelve, make sure you're all ready. There are waffles in the oven and chocolate, maple and strawberry syrup in the pantry. The exercise room's in the basement. Have fun and be safe!
Lots of love,
Mom xx

"Hmm," I thought, surveying the syrup choices. "I'll have to go with maple. It's amazing on waffles!"

I found a plate with five waffles. "Well, I was down first!" I thought to myself.

I took a bite. "Ohmigod! This is heaven!" I said, my mouth full of sticky waffley goodness. I finished in about two minutes flat. "They're gorgeous!"

Now, I thought to myself. Time to get the boys back for yesterday.

I searched around the kitchen and found nine towels and a bucket of ice.

I ran some water over the ice cubes and dunked each towel under for a minute.

I walked up the stairs. The first room I reached was Will's. He was sleeping soundly. I flung a towel at his head and ran out. I heard a yell and smirked. Next on the list was Shaun's. His reaction was almost exactly like Will's. Now, for Jack. We haven't been here for long, yet he still found a party last night. I hope to God no one was there! And that he wasn't hungover.

I pushed open the door, ready to fling a towel at him, only to discover a different story altogether! A girl was moaning as Jack was on top of her. I flung the towel and yelled "Lock the door next time, dick!" I exited the room with a shudder. It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last.

Next up, James. He slept like the dead. I decided to keep whipping him with the cold, wet towel until he woke up. He groaned and grabbed the towel.

"Mom made waffles!" I said before I ran out of the room.

I pushed Zach's door open and discovered that he was on the chin up bar. He dropped when he saw me.

"Mom made waffles for breakfast! Here's a cold towel. Do you want to help me carry out my revenge on the rest?" I asked him, curious as to why he had been doing chin ups are nine forty five in the morning.

"Always!" His tone was excited, like a little kid on their birthday.

"OK, well next up is Mark. Care to join in?"

"Hell yeah!!" He ran to Mark's door and slammed it open.

"Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine!" Zach threw the curtains open and flung the towel at Mark. Figuring Zach was more than capable, I moved onto the next room, which happened to belong to Hayden.

"Come on Hay..." I paused as I realised his room was empty. I shrugged it off and figured he'd gone on a run. I hurried upstairs to my room and decided to continuously whip the boys with the towels until they woke up. I was at it for five minutes before they started stirring.

"Mom made waffles!!" The maple syrup had hit my system and I decided to get on the treadmill to burn them off.

I made my way to the basement, where our exercise room was located. There were treadmills, weights, bikes, an LED TV and chin up bars. I turned on US Top 40 and began my workout.

Life With Boys Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon