Chapter 3

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Ayla above ^^^*

Chapter 3


I placed the delicate floral chain that I had spent 2 hours weaving together carefully on the ground. Brushing my hands on my white maxi dress I stood up to my full height. I glared at the blue-eyed boy that grinned at me cheekily, his eyes shining through his thick black lashes- sparkling with mischief. He ran the back of his hand over his mouth which was coated in biscuit crumbs. Not giving me a second glance, he sprinted to the large oak tree that rested at the back of his garden.

Strapping on my beige sandals, I stormed up to him and his twin brother. I stood with my hand placed firmly on my hip, scowling at them both.

"My name is not Noor!" I informed them both, my eyes narrowed at them in annoyance. The bright-eyed boy giggled whilst his twin looked at me with a bored expression plastered on his face. His dark brown eyes didn't sparkle like his brothers, but they held warmth and sincerity.

"Technically it's your middle name," he spoke, pushing himself away from the tree. He stood in front of me, taller by a good few inches.

Naturally, wanting to be better than him at everything, I tiptoed to meet him at eye level. He snickered before using his hands to push me down by my shoulders.

Uzair Armaan Khan, always wanting to be the best at everything, always wanting to be first. I scowled at him, glaring daggers into his unbothered eyes.

I stomped away but not before pulling my tongue at him. And as usual, I took my over-dramatic and very good-at-acting self and ran to his mother who stood with her hand resting on her hip. She was dressed in a beautiful lemon-coloured long shirt, her hands adorned in golden bangles and her bouncy brown curls framing her heart-shaped face.

"Aunty! Uzair hit me," I threw myself into her arms and feigned a few tears. She instantly took me in her arms and soothed me, whilst shouting at her son.

"Oh my poor baby!" A smirk made its way onto my face, I knew exactly what would happen next. I buried my face into her white cotton dupatta (scarf), feeling quite content as she stroked my hair and whispered sweet nothings and promises to twist her son's ears.

"Uzair! Abdul Raheem!"

A few seconds later I heard stomping but I didn't raise my head. I didn't need to look at the boys to know they were simply itching to get their hands on me and tickle me to death for always getting them into trouble.

"Mama I swear.."

"Don't you swear at me, young man. Apologise to my baby right now," I could hear low muttering which suddenly halted, I knew his mother had probably sent a very stern look- silencing them both instantly.

I peered from beneath my lashes, tears still streaming down my face. Uzair's jaw dropped, he never really understood how I had learnt to cry on the spot.

"Sorry," the pair muttered but it didn't sound very apologetic to me. And their mother seemed to agree as she gave them another pointed look.

"Boys...I'm warning you," she raised her index finger in warning to which their shoulders dropped.

"Sorry Ayla," their faces dropped and their mother nodded in agreement.

"Go on my precious, continue your playing" she gave me a loving kiss on my forehead before releasing me. I held onto her scarf a little longer, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

His Heartless Soul (Under Major Editing and re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now