Derek led us over to an empty corner of the garden, sitting down on a small bench. It was definitely a more private part than where we had been before.

"I'm sorry. I meant to do this sooner." Derek started slowly. "I just couldn't quite seem to find a good time."

I nodded, playing with the fabric of my dress. "I know. It's alright."

He sighed, rolling the sleeves of his white dress shirt up. It was only now that I realized his suit coat was missing. "It's been-well, a stressful few days."

I nodded slowly, turning slightly to face him. "Do you know more now? About whether it was rebels or not?"

He glanced at me, a strange expression on his face. "I really shouldn't be telling you any of that."

I sat up quickly. "I want to know. I won't tell anyone, if that's what you're worried about."

He sighed after a moment, and I could see the moment he gave in. "Alright. We don't have any concrete facts, but we have reason enough to be suspicious of rebels. There have been even more murders."

"Genevieve mentioned that." I interrupted quickly.

He nodded, acknowledging my outburst. "Even more since then. And they all follow a pattern."

"A pattern?" I frowned, becoming confused.

"They're targeting the upper class families. People who used to be twos, threes, and ones when the castes still existed. Every single person that has been killed had some tie to those castes." He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

My heart dropped as I imagined the innocent people being murdered only because they were more privileged than others. "Why? Why would someone kill them?"

Derek shook his head as he shrugged sadly. "We don't know for sure. My father and I have suspicions that it could be people who never recovered after the caste change, but still. We have no proof."

Growing up, I'd never exactly been jealous of the people who lived in big houses and had lots of money; I was perfectly content in the small farmhouse. But there were always times when I wished to be like them, to not have to worry about having enough money to last until the next growing season. But I still could never imagine killing someone all because they had more money than I did.

I had never been proud to be poor. But I couldn't help but be silently glad that my family had no ties to the upper castes. Still, I worried for their safety.

"My family..." I murmured quietly, not sure if I wanted Derek to hear or not.

He did.

"They'll be alright." He slowly took my hands in his. "Even though you have no connection to the upper castes, we sent guards there anyways. All of the Elite girls' families have people there to protect them."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I-I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them."

"Nothing will." He promised, squeezing my hand tightly. "I'll make sure of it."

"Thanks. You're too kind." I peered up at his face, looking into his bright blue eyes.

"It's in the job description." He smiled jokingly, before his face turned serious again. "Besides. I guess, someday, they might possibly be my family too."

I wasn't sure whose blush was brighter-mine or Derek's. Either way, both of our faces were a bright shade of tomato red.

"Sorry," He blushed. "That just-just sort of came out."

"No, no it's alright." I stammered, searching for the right words. "I guess that it is sort of true."

Derek smiled softly, still blushing, as he rubbed the back of his neck. His hands weren't holding mine anymore, and they felt strangely cold. I realized the only reason they had been warm was because of his.

"I'm sorry. For being distant." His hands grabbed mine again, and I had to stop myself from smiling at just his touch. "I wasn't quite ready to be open yet-quite frankly, I wasn't ready to be open with anyone yet. I was so worried about sharing things with so many girls still here."

I swallowed, holding his hands. "And now?"

Derek looked up, his eyes finding mine again, and he smiled softly. "Now? Well, I think I'm slightly stupid to not share stupid little things about myself. But I'm also glad that I waited until narrowing it down to the Elite."

"How so?" I tilted my head slightly.

He shrugged. "I wanted to wait for the right people. Now that it's down to the Elite, I know I can trust most of the girls here. Whoever is left is here because I want them here."

I smiled softly. "So you want me to be here?"

He chuckled lightly. "Of course I do. I've told you before Erika, I care about you. A lot."

I grinned and squeezed his hands. "I care about you too."

He smiled softly before tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Like I said, I know I haven't been very open about myself. But I promise, that's going to change. I-I know I can trust you."

"You can. Trust me, I mean." I blushed.

"Good." He chuckled lightly, rubbing my hands with his thumbs. "I want to get to know you, Erika. Even more than I already do."

I smiled softly. "I want to get to know you more too, Derek."

His smile morphed into a teasing grin. "Well, you already know how wonderful a kisser I am."

I giggled, rolling my eyes at him. "Do I?"

"I think so. Maybe I should remind you though." He grinned, leaning in closer to me.

My eyes closed of their own accord. We hadn't kissed since our date on the rooftop, but I still remembered the feeling of his lips on mine. I felt myself eagerly awaiting that same feeling.

Instead I was met with the feeling of large raindrops on my skin. My eyes fluttered open, looking towards the sky. It seemed the weather had made up its mind, and soon we were engulfed in a downpour. I could hardly see anything through the sheets of rain pounding down to the ground.

I felt Derek's wet hand close around mine, quickly tugging me off of the bench. We raced out of the garden, trying to find shelter and trying to stop ourselves from laughing. By the time we found shelter under a small cover by a door, we were soaked to the bone. Derek's white dress shirt was plastered to his skin, while my dress was heavy, wet, and sticky.

The water didn't stop Derek from pulling me closer and pressing his lips to mine. My arms struggled to find somewhere to hold, finally deciding to wrap themselves around his neck. Even with our soaked clothes and sopping wet hair, the kiss was sweet and slow and undeniably perfect. And there, in Derek's wet arms, I found myself thinking that maybe I was meant to be here.

Because if I could make it to the Elite, I couldn't help but hope that maybe I could be the One.
So this is the last chapter of Another Selected from Erika's POV, but there is still one more chapter. *gasp* Chapter 29 will be a little odd, but I think you guys will still enjoy it. It will definitely give some exciting hints to Another Elite! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please comment and vote! I would love to hear what you guys think, and remember that you can always ask questions and I will be happy to answer them if I can! xoxo

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