That's pretty messed up.

Trust me I know.  To think that out of all the women in the world my father chose a Japanese woman.

I have long shiny black hair, small Asian eyes, a pale yellowie complexion. I am short, approximately 5'4 and I am petite.

I'm super awesome and presumptuous.  I speak my mind and I do not care who you are or what you think you are but I will be the last bitch standing if you ever try to try me.

Get it?  Good!

I'm loud and passionate. I love to read and eat, Those were my two favourite hobbies.
I am part of the Poetry and Debate team. I take parts in sports and it was all because of Brooklyn.  That girl can get scary when she had an agenda. I mean she knows damn well how unfit  and lazy I am!

Well this time she forced me to join the swimming team with her.  Just because Jonah freaken Miller was in the team.

I sighed. That bitch has been head over heals over that boy  for as long as I can remember. It just sucked that she didn't have the balls to even form a proper sentence when it came down to talking to the fugden guy.

Anyways where was I? Oh right, in conclusion.

I'm amazing!

I was kinda excited about this year  aside from how hectic it was going to become from the school work.  I was looking forward to spending it with my bitches. Speaking of bitches. Where the fuck where they?

Before I could even turn and go searching for them I was tackled into a bear hug that left my lungs deflated and my ribs sore.

I guess that question didn't need to be answered. Since Brooklyn had her arms tightly wrapped around me.

"Hey bitch!  Missed ya!" She yelled. Unfortunately for me she was  yelling in my freaken ear!

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I guess I'm not the only one who didn't change this  new year.

I chuckled."What the fudge is wrong with you?" I smiled looking at her . A weird smile creeping up her face.

"Can you believe it! We are finally seniors!" She squealed dramatically. Jumping up and down like a child drugged with candy.

I laughed. I'm guessing you have finally discovered that normal and Brooklyn don't go together.  This bitch was insane!

"Would you stop that!" I playfully snapped at her. Causing her to stop mid jump. "That is not how a bitch behaves. Bitches aren't all bubbly, bubbles." I playful glared at her.

She thought about it for a while before whispering.
"You're absolutely right."

That is it I laughed aloud causing people to stare.  Which wasn't unusual.

"You bitch is crazy!" İ concluded causing her to roll her big dough eyes.

I really missed her, Lee-Ann and Kaitlyn dearly.  Of course I wasn't going to admit that to her.  It would just mess up my cover.

"Great! Now two more bitches to hunt down." I muttered grabbing Brooklyn's hand and leading her towards the entrance of the building.


I groaned out in frustration as another jock bumped in to me, nocking my books down.  If you are wondering this is now the third time it has happened.

I guess it sucked being the the shy nerd.

Well at least I wasn't that typical nerd with glasses, braces and cardigans. To be honest I hated cardigans with a known passion.

THE BITCH-KATEER RULE BOOK! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu