Take me out to the baaaaaall game

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Maya's point of view:
"Guess what I got us!" Lucas says in a sing-song voice as he enters the apartment at eight pm after a shift at his restaurant. I go over and peck him on the lips, my arms around his neck, me on my toes in order to reach his lips. "What?" I smile, arms still around him. He goes into his pocket and pulls out two slips of paper. "Tickets to see the mets!" (New York baseball team, other than the Yankees.) Lucas exclaims, holding up the tickets. I smile. "Yes! This is gonna be so fun!" I say excitedly, hugging him loosely around the neck. Cocoa comes and jumps up on me, wanting to be apart of all the excitement. "Okay okay! Good boy!" I say along with other little praises as I go pet cocoa. "Oh, and should we ask zay to dog-sit?" I ask, scratching cocoa behind his ears. "Actually, I got three tickets, I invited zay to come! He loves baseball too, it's ok right?" Lucas replies, putting a hand on the back of his neck. "Of course. We can leave cocoa. But we'll leave him food, and water, and we'll miss him very much..." I coo to cocoa as he pants and tries to lick my face, me backing away and giggling. "Okay good," Lucas replies, patting cocoa and hanging up his coat.

The next day, Lucas's point of view:
"Guys! Come on!" Maya says, as she stands by the door, sporting an orange tee and light blue jeans (the mets colors). "We know just one more thing!" I say, pulling my mets baseball cap off of the wall, and pulling it over Maya's blonde waves. "Looks better on you," I smile as Maya smiles, scrunching her nose. "Aw, y'all are sooooo cute!" Zay says, putting his coat on. We chuckle and pull on our coats, say bye to cocoa and head out the door.
"Ooh I want cheese fries!" Zay exclaims like a little kid as we stand in line at the snack booth. We chuckle, me wrapping my arm around Maya. "I'll just get a pretzel." Maya replies. "Ooh me too!" I add with a smile. We go quiet as we see the girl in front of us begin to order. "Hey, I'd like a pretzel with mustard, a pack of milk duds, and a cola." She says, handing the employee a ten dollar bill. I am surprised at how she isn't like 300 lbs. I then realize it's the purple haired girl from the toy store the other day. They hand her her snacks, and she walks past us and into the crowd. Me and Maya chuckle, but realize that zay is just staring at her in awe as she walks away, sipping her soda. And then it hits me, she's just like zay. I look to Maya, who smiles in delight. "Oh I ship it so much!" She whispers to me, me smiling at her. She's adorable. I kiss her forehead as we walk to the booth and order our snacks. Zay, seeing that it is acceptable to buy more than one snack, buys and icee and three lollipops along with his cheese fries. We look at him, giggling, him stopping in his tracks. "Hey, she did it. I can too." He says, taking a bite of his fries and beginning to walk towards the stairs to the stadium. I look to Maya, straight faced, until she snorts and we start laughing hysterically, following zay to our seats. As we sit, we realize the purple haired girl is sitting right next to zay. Maya looks and me and squeals very quietly, zay doing the same soon after. We all sit, zay turning to the girl. They look at each other's snacks, smirk and fist-bump. "Hazel." The girl says, drinking from her soda. "Zay, Lucas, Maya." Zay replies, pointing to each of us. "Welcome to the game!" The announcer bellows, beginning to ramble on about the players, the teams, the weather, and what not. "Hey, didn't we meet the other day? At the toy store?" Maya asks, leaning towards Hazel. "Oh yeah! You're friend was that ray of sunshine, huh?" She says. "Yeah, that's Riley!" Maya chuckles back, sitting back up.
At the bottom of the ninth, the mets are up to bat. There is a runner on third, and the score is tied. This situation of course has zay and Hazel on their feet, screaming at every move. "COME ON! THATS NOT HOW YOU SWING A BAT!" Hazel hollers, me and Maya chuckling. Another strike. "COME ON! CONCENTRATE! STOP FLAILING THE BAT AROUND!" Zay exclaims, along with Hazel yelling curse words, me and Maya laughing harder when a mother covers the ears of her kid in front of us. "What you laughing at? You're the ones cuddling during a game!" Zay says, Hazel smiling and popping one of zay's leftover fries in her mouth. Zay takes them away from Hazel, her rolling her eyes. All of us are distracted as the pitcher begins his pitch, perfectly. As the strike begins to fly, the batter swings the ball and smashes it into the dirt. We all jump up and cheer, the runner on third sprinting home. At the same time, the ball is being hurled to home plate. And just as the ball is thrown to the catcher, the runner slides into home. Everyone erupts into cheers, even fans of the other team, because the call hasn't been made. I honestly think it looked like the runner is out. "SAFE!" The referee yells, all the fans of the other team erupting into boos. "Wait wasn't he out-" zay gets cut off by Hazel, "No that can be a secret, shhh!" She says, putting a hand on his mouth. "Mmmmhhmmmph." He says, muffled trough her hand. We all laugh and cheer loudly. As the game came to a close, the announcer's voice booms throughout the stadium, "how about a final kiss cam before you all leave?" He hollers, me looking up to see... Me and Maya on the cam. We smile and kiss, me grabbing the back of her neck, the crowd erupting into cheers. I can see Hazel and zay rolling their eyes as we break apart, the cam suddenly landing on them. Their faces go completely red, the crowd's cheers growing. They look to each other and shrug, pulling each other into a kiss. They break apart from the peck, only to smile and kiss again, this time more passionately. As the camera moves from them, they break apart, Maya having a panic attack from the cuteness. "Ew. You still had fries on your breath." Hazel says, the smile never leaving her face. "Whatever. You still seemed to like it," smirks zay, Hazel chuckling and rolling her eyes. Maya's smile is now huge, mine is as well, but not at zay and Hazel. My smile is because of her smile.
So! Are you guys okay with the character I made up? I wasn't sure... I know y'all came for lucaya and that's what you're gonna get, don't worry. Tell me in the comments, do you like Hazel? also follow my insta! It's @slutforlucaya (ps sorry this chapter is so short)

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