Chapter 21

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Abby was woken by the beeping signaling the opening of her apartment main door. There in the small living room stood Chancellor Jaha, Markus Kane and Saint-Clair along with several guards.

"What's going on?" she asked uncertain.
"Doctor Abigail Griffin," started Jaha's weak voice "for the consumption of unauthorized resources you are dismissed of your standing as a member of the Ark's ruling Council. Your execution has been foregone as you are a vital element to the current exodus project and one of our last doctors in functions. As of now you are consigned to residence and will work with no payment and minimal rations. Consider yourself lucky."

Abby knew that this was coming and kept her face stoic even through she wondered why Jaha needed so many people to apply his decision. Her question was answered when Saint-Clair spoke next.

"The last report from the exodus ship's envoy."

He handed her a tablet and she took her time to read it. What she saw perplexed her.

"Is this an old report?"
"No, it's a new one." Assured her Markus.

Abigail looked at the tablet again and reread the report.

"They aren't dying..." she whispered in hope.
"And the one who was dying is now stabilizing."

Once again she looked at the report and saw that indeed the vitals were improving.

"We were hoping you could tell us what that means?"

Abby nodded, already thinking about it.

"One of them got hurt, mortally and someone with medical knowledge took came of them." Clarke she thought with pride.
"Clarke." echoed Jaha.
"Probably." she conceded.
"So they are all well?"
"All but" she looked at the tablet "Finn Collins, yes."
"What could have hurt him?" asked Kane keeping to the soldier's mentality of seeing threats everywhere.
"Could be anything from a bad fall to something he ate. Or another adolescent."

Kane nodded in understanding and turned to Jaha.

"We will have to assure a military presence. I will go select the guards who will get down on the first drop ship immediately."
"Go." approved Jaha. "Saint-Clair, please review the exodus drop-ships one by one. They must be at optimum capacity for our return to mankind cradle."

The balding engineer bowed and left the apartment in a hurry followed by Markus and his guards. Time was ticking and every second going by was waisted oxygen.

"Abby..." Jaha's voice had lost the sharp edge he used as Chancellor and she knew that he was now here as a friend instead of here for his official function. "I know that you are worried for Clarke, i am worried for my son too, but you can't lock yourself here. You are needed for the project, for our people. I need you."
"You need me?"

Abigail's tone was unbelieving and she felt anger boiling inside of her.

"I sacrificed everything for you and the Ark! I let you kill my husband, the man i love! I let you lock up my daughter then send her into a suicide mission! I risked my status and life to save yours!"

Now she was shouting. She took a deep breath and spoke once more, her voice scathing.

"I will continue helping you with the project but only because my daughter is down there. After this, you and I, our friendship, it's over."

Jaha looked at her with sorrow but simply acquiesced and left the room. Now alone Abby let herself plop down on the sofa and cried.
She cried for the death of her husband, for her involvement in it, for keeping it a secret from Clarke, for sending her away on this deadly expedition and finally, she cried for loosing her best and oldest friend, Theolonius.

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