Chapter 3

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On the floor of the skybox Clarke was executing her 97th push up.


It was by no means the first series she had done.


Before that there had been sit ups, pull ups, squats and stationary running.


After standing up Clarke moved in chain.


Low kick, waist kick and high kick with the left leg followed by the same with the other leg.

Once again, low kick, waist kick and high kick with the left leg with both legs.


Today was the 124th time she did this routine. She had done so since the day of her return to the Ark.


It was preparation for the her descent to the earth.


For her return to Lexa's side.


Clarke had changed. Her figure was now slimer and packed with muscles, her arms and her legs powerful.


She had taken the habit of braiding her hair in a multitude of braids.


It was much more practical this way as her hair had the annoying perk of getting in her eyes.


Clarke was not the only thing to have changed.


Her sky-box's walls were now covered in charcoal drawings.


Most of them were of the same thing. A women.


One was of her eyes surrounded by wings of darkness. Her war paint.


Another was of her side way figure standing before an army of a thousand men, her head held high.


A third depicted her sleeping her back exposed. Defenseless. The markings etched under the skin for all to see.


But the largest and most enthralling by far was that of the women looking up with eyes full of love, her lips swelled her arms wide open in a warm embrace and her body revealed for the world to see.


It was obvious that the drawing pictured her in a bout of love making.


This women was no figment of Clarke's imagination. She was Lexa kom Trikru, Heda kom Kongeda, Legendary Gona and cunning strategist.


And Clarke's lover. Soulmade if she dared to think so and considering how Clarke had woken up in the skybox.


And she had every intention to be reunited with her.


As Clarke was executing another series of kicks she heard heavy foot steps in the distance from behind her locked door.


As always she did not pay attention to them and carried on with her work out.


Only this time the steps were numerous. Shouts soon joined them.
The event was unusual enough for Clarke to stop her exercise and look through the small window of the metal door. Guards were going from skybox to skybox, looking in the cells and from time to time took a youth out of it. Except that the youth was carried out seeing as they were unconcious.

"Finally, its happening."

Clarke's voice was crackled with anxiety. What if her behavior, training, had made her unfit to the expedition? What if she was left behind?

She did not have time to worry further as two guards approached her cell. She could her a much lighter pair of feet behind them.


Lexa kom Trikru = Lexa of the Tree People
Heda kom Kongeda = Commander of the Coalition
Gona = Warrior

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