Chapitre 1

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Lexa woke up with a start, her hands automatically reaching for her pain free stomach and her lips, the sensation of her last kiss with Clarke fleeting.

She sprung from the bed she was laying in and looked at her surroundings. It was her room in Polis, the furs, furniture and scrolls on her desk were a testament of this.

She lifted her top above her stomach and glided her fingers above her smooth, tanned skin. Nothing. No wound or scar. It was like the accident had never happened.
Did this mean that it hadn't happened? Maybe it would...

Fear gripping her Lexa ran through the corridor, not caring wether the guards saw her, pushed open the doors of Clarke's rooms not even thinking that she might just be shot again and entered the bedroom, her bare feet cooling on the rug free cement floor.

The room was empty, the furniture gone and the bed undone. There was no trace of Clarke's stay. Was it all a dream?

Feeling a knot in her belly Lexa left the chambers and unconsciously returned to her own. Upon entering them she saw her bed. The very same bed Clarke had made love to her. She had initially felt weak for letting Clarke take control of the situation, yet when she had been embraced all her second thoughts had lifted and she had felt full, complete.

Lexa laid on top of the furs and let a sob shook her. As she brought in a trembling breath she realized that even Clarke's scent was gone.

Her absence, the lack of her warmth, was too much for the Commander of the Twelve clans and she broke into tears, lamenting her lost love.

Lamenting her torturous dream.

Polis = Coalition's Capital

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