~ Chapter 1 ~

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Waking up I looked at the time, 7:15 am. Groaning, I reluctantly hop out of my four-poster bed, moving the creamy curtains out of the way, and slip on my comfy slippers to protect my poor feet from the cold concrete floor.

I walk over to my hand-made calendar, my name is written in curly purple handwriting, Evelyn Matrix. I received it for my 18th birthday, from my older brother Lachlan. I cross out the 1st of June 2350. And then it hit me, today is the day. I will perform The Ceremony. I get a wave of nerves and anticipation, The Ceremony is critical to everyone who reaches the age of 18, as it's to see whether we are Human or an Evolution, or an Evo, for short.

The Ceremony is just like any other prom, but with some exceptions. One of them is that it's compulsory for all boys to take a date. I don't understand why it's necessary. But guess it's easier than finding someone on my own. But this is a problem because it's a 100% surprise, which severely nerve-racking since 3/4 of the guys my age are total idiots. And that's being generous. Hopefully Jase, Lachie's best friend is taking me. Lachie is a year older than both Jase and me, but he gets along with Jase more than anyone else his age. Jase has been away for 6 months, on military training as he won both the endurance and strength training. It wasn't open to girls. So he got in.

I have already chosen my dress, shoes, accessories and hairstyle for tonight's events, together they highlight my electric blue eyes, bringing out the small hoop of gold in the centre. My fiery red hair and exotic skin colour highlight my dress. My mum had a Swift transport everything to the Training Stadium, as everyone will be preparing themselves there.

I walk away from my calendar, go up to my small sliding window and look across The Evolution's last haven, Jacksonville, in Florida. I have a rare view, of looking over the rooftops and seeing the central district of Jacksonville. To the left of our home, you just glimpse the industrial zone, where my Father works. Rank 5, Craftsmen. He creates swords and enchantments on metal.

Able to bend, conjure, melt anything made of metal, using his Evolution form, it is a common ability, but he is stronger than others because he is able to conjure metal, this give him a large advantage over other Metal Manipulators. Making him the Master of Metal Manipulation, a branch off Elementals. Some Elementals, are only able to control some of the elements, while others have the ability to use them all. To the left of the industrial zone is the main view of the rebuilt skyscrapers, housing the majority of the population.

The Ambrice is just in front of the skyscrapers. The Ambrice is police, ambulance, and firefighters. My Mother works here, because of her ability to control fire and heat, working as a firefighter. She saves people from fires and on the rare occasion, guards The Barrier.

Mum is of higher rank than Dad because of her elemental fire controlling ability, one of the four main elements. Her position is Rank 3, Warrior Class. In our family, she has the highest level, while the rest of us are knocked down to a 5. My Dads rank.

The father's class is the rest of the families class, and it stays this way unless you marry a man of higher rank. The only other way is to climb the ranks yourself, without the man helping you up. Which is what I want to do, not rely on someone else.

Once you turn 18, you then become a 6, citizen. And you stay this rank, unless you marry a man, or work with your abilities, to prove to others that you are just as good as men, and be rewarded the same rank, just like them. It works this way, as the males are almost always stronger than the women, the council is made up of 12 powerful Evos. Who are all men except for 1 women.

The beautiful part of Jacksonville looking at the Great Forest to the left, the pine trees, loom in the distance, Towering over everything. The towers, the skyscrapers even The Barrier. This is due to life elementals using them to protect our border. We still use them for defensive purposes, put they are dangerous places, as Ferage, and mutated beasts hide amongst the shadows. Last year, on the 6th of June. My year, had to survive the wilderness, finding, shelter, water food, and heat. We stayed there for a week. At the start, we all choose a weapon. I selected a long sword, its blade balanced and even. The blade transparent, casting magnified light onto the pine needle-ridden ground. Made from white diamond, it feels stable and sturdy. Jase picked katar, a knife-like weapon, it has an H-shaped grip, and the twin blade sits just above his knuckles. The aim of the game is to tie your colour ribbon around as many people's arm while surviving the wilderness of the Great Forest. The ribbon has a deadbolt, entwined into the fabric, once tied, impossible to untie unless you master key. My ribbon is a crimson red. Jase's an emerald green.

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