Chapter Twenty-Four- I never saw that coming!

Start from the beginning

"It's okay... we'll figure out something, I promise." I patted her back and she pulled away to look at me with her red shot eyes. Now, we have something in common. Red eyes.

"I don't know what to do and whom to talk to... I went to a doctor and she said it's too risky for an abortion. I so screwed, Elle. I'm sorry I've been cutting school because, I wasn't ready to come clean."

"You can always talk to me, Kim. Us. No judging right?" It wasn't really a question. More of reminding her of our friendship policy.

I've known Kim long enough to see through her then, how did I not noticed this before? When she was a little distant and moody- I should have forced her to tell me what was up with her. I should have given her my full attention when she needed me!

"I know it's not the time but, I really would like to know who's the guy? Does he know? What did he say?" I blasted with questions on her. I have to know.

She stood up and walked towards the sink, splashing some water on her face. She looked at the reflection of me in the mirror, as I approached her.

"I am really scared, Michelle. I don't know if he will accept this or not. What if he despise me? I can't let that happen." That answered my questions except one.

I looked her in the eyes before asking, "Who is he?"

"Please don't be mad at me. I knew we had a friendship rule that we won't date inside the circle. But, I had a crush on him the day I saw him. He was from every way my Mister Right. Slowly, the huge crush turned into liking and I couldn't ignore it anymore. Please don't be mad at me or... Martin."

"Martin?!" I choked on my breath. Just for a mere second, I thought it was Justin. But, that was absurd of me to even think. They never even shared an intimate glare... in that way!

I looked away processing everything in my small head.

My brain is getting old, trust me.

"Ya... he's the father. And he doesn't know. I can't tell him. He will hate me for not being protective. I told him I took the pill but, I actually forgot to..." She explained, tears flowing down her red cheeks.

I hugged her again, comforting her. "It's okay. We don' have to decide everything right now. Calm down. Crying won't help. Would it? And, I'm not Mad. That rule was just to make sure that none of us would pull himself or herself apart once they break up. That's it. You could've told me..." I was feeling so mad at myself.

She shook her head slightly against my neck. "I'm sorry. I know, I should've."

I pulled away and held her hand. "If you trust me Kim, please you have to tell Martin. He's responsible just as much as you are. It's not only your decision to make. It's his too. You have to tell him..." I tried to encourage and convince her but, she just cried even more.

Around half hour of Kim crying and me trying to put a smile on her face.

"So, you decided the name yet? What about Alex if it's a boy and Ember if it's a girl?" Finally, I managed to make her chuckle, as she blew her nose in the Kleenex, I just handed her.

"Very funny." She snorted and rolled her eyes. She's adorable even if she's looking like a clown with red nose.

Kim stood up and I hugged her once more.

"Ah-uh... now, don't get all mushy-cushy on me." She uttered making me laugh and I pulled apart.

"Clean up, we have a lot to talk about." I had no idea what to do and how... but, I couldn't let my best friend feel alone when I was still alive.

Cliché enough? I know... my life's turning even worse than daily soap operas.

'Martin, you're so dead!' I made a mental note to kill him as soon as I will see him.

Finally convincing her to talk to Martin, we marched towards the playground- the guy's place. As soon as we reached close enough, all the sweaty guys in their jerseys turned their heads at us. The wave of chilliness hit us, as it was clearly cold out there.

I saw Justin and Martin's flabbergasted faces. They were astonished because we'd never barged into their practice before. Like ever.

Both the guys said their quick good byes to their comrades and jogged towards us. I felt my hand squeeze, held by none other than Kimmy Richards. I could tell how nervous she was.

"I can't do this." She whispered, but I tightened my grip on her hand, restraining her from running away.

"You can." I mumbled, looking her in the eye.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Martin asked, eyeing me then concerned washed over his face as soon as his eyes landed on Kim.

So, he does cares for her.

I might not kill him but, I will definitely beat him up.

"We need to talk." I told, intently, deadpanned.


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