Chapter 24

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That's what he said, but when I peeked through the trees, I couldn't see anyone. It was only about 3:00, so they shouldn't all be sleeping, or having a meal where we couldn't see them.

"Jack, where is everybody?"

"How am I supposed to know? Let's just check it out, but be careful, it could be a trap." We all took a different direction and started looking through what remained of Team Rage's hideout. It was deserted.

The buildings were empty shells of the homes they once were and the bustling roads were clear. Everyone was gone. Once every building had been searched, we all met up on the other side of the camp.

"They must have moved on," Meg commented, her deep voice holding a hint of annoyance.

"I swear they were here!" I exclaimed, not wanting her to blame me.

"They probably were, I saw foot prints and food remnants, it's just annoying that we have to find them all over again. Would you know anything Jack?"

"Not really. We have a couple of places near each city; they could be anywhere."

I thought for a moment. "Well, they couldn't have passed us in the woods, right? There are too many of them, we would have heard them, but we didn't."

"What are you trying to say?" Meg asked carefully.

"They must be heading to Cerulean!" I declared, trying to sound more confident than I really was.

"Y/n, there's lots of forest around here, not to mention Mt. Moon, they might not have gone to the city."

"But if they are trying to take over the world, wouldn't they try and take over another city?" I pointed out.

"We also thought that they would still be at Pewter," Jack retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, just give it a shot! It's not like we have any other leads," I whined.

The two thought about it for a second before hesitantly nodding. "Let's just try to finish this up quickly, I don't want to be working with Mr. Goody-two-shoes for longer than I have to," Jack said.

"For once, I agree with the weakling. Let's get this over with."

Short but sweet chapter?

Hi again. If you haven't noticed, I've been using "she" and "Meg" when something involving Meg happens, but when Jack talks, he'll say "he" and "Ghost" when referring to her. This is because he still doesn't know that she's a girl, sorry if this is confusing :/

So, school's coming and I'm scared. I'm about 70% sure I'm going to get lost in my new school. What about you guys, are you excited?

Next update should be Wednesday.

Edit: I won't be updating the story for a week or so, I'm trying to get some more ideas. Hope you don't mind o(^▽^)o

School makes it hard to update. I still have ideas, I'm just struggling to put them into words. 

Thanks for reading! *rawr*

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