Chapter 9

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I looked around, confused. He didn't throw out a pokeball, how could he expect a pokemon to come?

Suddenly, a large pile of rocks in the corner of the gym started shaking. They rose up, dirt and dust falling everywhere. When the dust cleared, an onix stood tall and proud. It was more than twice Charmeleon's height.

Brock smirked. "Let me introduce my trump card, onix." Onix gave a mighty roar as his name was said. Charmeleon looked back at me nervously. "You got this!" I whispered to him. "You can do it!"

The battle started. "Quick attack to the back of his head and then back off and use Dragon Rage." I commanded quietly. Charmeleon nodded in understanding. In the blink of an eye, he was behind Onix. He punched him in the back of the head, but when Onix turned around, Charmeleon was already in front of him, attacking with a Dragon rage.

Onix roared in pain. "Iron tail!" Brock yelled. His pokemon obeyed and swiped out with his tail.

"Dodge," I said quickly, and Charmeleon jumped just in time to avoid a direct hit. However, the attack caught his foot and he landed flat on his face. "Onix, rock throw while he's down!" Onix grabbed a large boulder with its tail and threw it towards Charmeleon, who dodged. The rock kept coming and narrowly missed hitting me. I backed up a little, just to be safe.

Both pokemon were on their feet, glaring at each other. "Charmeleon!" I yelled, and he knew what to do. He jumped up just as Brock yelled out "Iron tail!" and hit Onix with another Dragon rage head-on.

The large pokemon groaned as he fell down with a resounding boom. But, as Charmeleon walked back over to me panting, he weakly grabbed a rock with his tail and threw it towards us. Then, he fainted.

The rock had not been aimed very well, and hit the ceiling above me. I smiled, we had won. I had just started walking towards Brock, when I saw both him and Charmeleon staring at me with fear in their eyes. I looked up; Several large boulders were falling straight towards me.

I passed out.


Into Pokemon (reader-insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora