Chapter 1 Part 1: The Geode and Smoke and Mirrors

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The soft radiant light of the sun as it set softly touched red roses, in the meadow as if it was singing a lullaby.  Jade layed there with the roses as if her long auburn red hair could be one with the roses. Her eyes flutter as the sun wishes its last goodnight, as jades eyes slowly close delivering her to a place no one believed could possibly be real. No one would've thought young Jade Francesca called dreamland home. In her dreams Walking along the beach, the birds singing her favorite tune. She dipped her toes in the bright blue water looking down thinking.

"How could I possibly be accepted into such a compelling place as this, this is too surreal. Speaking that, I was born in the land of nightmares."

She looked up at the Sun, as her eyes widened and a small tear falls. The clouds start to cover the sun. Lightning struck the ground before her. She stood there in shock. The wind started to blow faster and in circles. Jade fell to her knees, crying more and more.

"No... no... How?! How could this be?! I never should have hoped!"

Internal screaming in Jade's mind. Demonic dark souls filled the air, as they giggled waiting for their turn to make her scream. Who would've thought dear Jade Francesca howled in the night in her dreams.

Morning come, Jade finds herself jumping on of her lavender sheets and fuzzy white comforter. Her eyes wide, she looks out of her window in front of her, only to see the bright sun. her eyes turn to the clock expressed the time as 9:30 AM, realizing class started at 9:00.

"Ahhh Crap I'm late again!"

She shuffles out of bed, puts a clean white blouse on. Perfectly matching her plaid columbia blue and grey knee length pleated skirt, was her hand sewn columbia blue blazer, with a Columbia University patch perfectly stitched on the right pocket. Though most at the university don't wear traditional attire, Jade Admires the traditional looks.

She rushes to put her white lace socks and quickly slips on her short black heels. Grabbing a piece of bread, her keys, and her bag, she rushes out of the door. She gets in her easter yellow vintage volkswagen, and turns the key and rushes out of the parking lot.

"Ahhhh Finally!" She quickly parks her car in her parking spot, running to the door of her biochemistry class in the Biological sciences department. Most would find science unappealing, but to jade it was an art. Her hand held the knob of the door twisting it slightly as it did not move.

It was locked "ahh shit..." She said quietly. This  was one of Jade's favorite classes and she was well liked by the professor. This was the first time she had been late, getting very anxious, she started to walk out and she crossed her arms tearing up slightly she picked up the pace and went to the nearest bathroom. And started to cry.

Thinking, "the professor won't like me anymore.. I'm scared to come back tomorrow I need an excuse.. Was I sick I guess I was sick and slept in because... A bad dreams isn't a good excuse so it's better to come up with a more legit excuse but... what if someone figures out.."

Her eyes widen, on the floor of the bathroom stall, holding her knees to her chest, thinking, "why am I crying! This is ridiculous! I'm just crazy.. I don't understand, just why?"

She wipes her tears, "you know what it's been like this forever I'm in college I need to grow up and try to do something besides be a cry baby, drama queen."

She gets up and starts to make her way to the library, her feet scuffling against the pavement of the sidewalk, started to get a feeling of drowsiness, feeling slightly light headed, but only to realize she was on a grass hill. "How did I get here?! I must really be crazy!" She looks up at the sun as it starts to look flowy like water, it moves around like a snake in the air, she starts to fall backward, as she hears her name being yelled quietly muffled as the sound grows louder and louder, she catches her balance realizing who it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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