Chapter Ten - Unwanted Attraction

Start from the beginning

Hey Evan can you come and pick me up? Don't knock on the door, I'll come out the window.

Why? Did you parents come home? He responded.

No, something just happened and well...I don't have that great of experience with feelings, so I need your help with what I feel.

Ask Jax! It's like 1 in the morning!!

She's the thing that I have questions about.

Oh. Well okay I'll be there.

And you need to tell me about this Caleb.

Do you want me to come or not? Hush.

I grabbed a discarded pair of jeans off the floor and threw them on, putting a pair of converse on that had been lying around. I waited for a tap on my window, which I rushed to open. Without looking, I climbed out, and followed Evan to his car.

As he drove, I explained everything to him, leaving out the part about Jax's abuse, saying her parents were going through a fight, which he was as familiar with as I was. He hummed and awed through it all, and I studied his face carefully.

There was no trace of jealousy or anger. He was completely over me. This Caleb must be pretty special.

"So what do you think?" I asked hesitantly after I finished my story.

Evan didn't say anything for a while, and the silence stretched. He broke it. "I think that you are most definitely attracted to her, but because you two are so close and these feelings are extremely new to you, you're cautious. However, she did come on really strong without foreplay or build up, and I feel that turned you off."

Wow. He was good. I regret ever taking him out of the friend zone, but I'm glad he's back in it, with no hard feelings. He was the first person I told what to expect when he dated me, and he had agreed, so he couldn't despise me.

"You should be a relationship counselor."

He laughed, smiling over at me. "Maybe I will."

I ran a self-conscious hand through my hair. "What should I do? It'll be awkward seeing her tomorrow."

"Oh grow up! Just tell her you need time to think. She's your best friend, she'll understand." He paused, then sent me a mischievous grin that sent nervous shivers down my spine.

"What?" I inquired nervously.

"Heh." He pulled into his driveway. "But for some solid courage you can steal some of Mum's leftover pie before I take you back home."

"Why? Is there a reason I can't come in? Your parents are with mine on that police trip, aren't they?" I poked him repeatedly in the side, as his face grew brighter and brighter. "So? So? Someone's over aren't they?? Is it...Caleb??"

Cue Evan's tomato red face. "Of course not!"

He glanced away and hopped out the car, with me following, giggling. We walked in, and I stole a slice of pie, moaning. "Your Mum's pie is the best!"

"Who are you?"

I whirled around, mid bite. I choked. Was that Caleb??

He had curly black hair, almost black chocolatey eyes, and he was built like a football player. Of course he was gay. He was beyond gorgeous. And to make it better, he was rubbing his wet hair with one hand, and the other rested slightly above his naked hip. He stood unashamed in just a bathroom towel as I gave him a very good twenty-over, and-

Evan was scarlet. "What are you doing?

He rumbled, laughing deep in this throat. He kissed Evan on the forehead, and turned away. "I'm just seeing who you brought home."

I started giggling uncontrollably, and Evan and Caleb both looked at me, astounded and confused. "Oh my goodness. Evan, he is so hot! I love this so much."

Evan frowned. "Are you making fun of me?"

I hugged him. "Absolutely not. I'm happy you found someone as attractive as him." I released Evan and looked over his shoulder at Caleb. "Take care of him."

He ruffled Evan's hair. "I wouldn't want to do anything else." He went back into Evan's room.

Finishing my pie, Evan drove me back home and I stood a long while on the steps, not really brave enough to face Jax again.

Before I could turn the knob, my phone went off.

Why don't you go inside, Shark?

Oohhh back at it again with the shark man!!
Sorry if this wasn't that good >~< I'm trying over here.
Anyway I'm thinking about making a book about Caleb and Evan? Haven't decided yet so tell me what you think in the comments.
There's more about the mysterious texter next time, so see you next update!! Xoxo

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