AllI Want For Christmas Is You

Start from the beginning

''Tash, supper!'' Mom called from down staires.

I kissed Zsa Zsa and headed down staires for supper, banning toughts of the last two Christmases when I still had Zack to hold under the mistletoe.


I walked around the giant chocolat shop with Mackenzie, promisiong for the hundrenth time that yes we would be going to see Santa Clause.

I picked out a nice bar of almond chocolat for Dad and bannana chocolat for Blair. Then Mackenzie and I took the escelator down to see Santa.

''There he is! There he is!'' Mackenzie said excitedly, pointing to the fake Santa sitting in a huge chair, fake elves running around handing out candy canes.

''Come one, Nat! Lets line up!'' Mackenzie tugged me along to the end of the line to wait to sit on Santas lap. We played twenty questions (my favourit game, Im so bad though. Very misleading) untell a tall elf yelled ''Next!'' wich was us.

''Hi Santa, my names Mackenzie!'' Mackenzie said, sticking out his hand.

''Well hello there Mackenzie!'' I froze on the spot. I knew that voice; I would always know that voice.


''What would you like for christmas Mackenzie?'' Zack said from behind a huge fake beard.

''Well, this year Im not going to ask for myself.'' Mackenzie said. I pretended not to listen so I could find out why Mackenzie wasnt asking for anything for himslef. What four year old didn’t ask for themselves at Christmas time?

''Who are you wishing for then?'' Zack asked, just as surprised as me.

''Well, you see, thats my big sister over there,'' he pointed to me, not that ‘Santa’ needed telling who I was ''and two weeks ago something really bad happeded to her.''

''Really?'' Zack asked, his voice going sympathetic.

''Yeah, for two years she has had a really cool boyfriend named Zack Gregory, who I really liked.''

Oh no Mackenzie, please stop!

''Thats ...nice.'' Zack said, handing a candy cane to Mackenzie.

Mack nodded ''Yep, he was really nice and made Natahsa really happy.''

Zack looked away towards me, I tried to hide my wet eyes.

''But two weeks ago he cheated on her with this other girl and ever since Tash has been really sad and lonely and cries herslef to sleep every night!''

''Every night?" Zack says in a pained voice.

Mackenzie nodded.

''So what is it you want me to do exactly?'' he asked. I could feel Zack’s eyes on me as I turned away, begging silently for Mackenzie to stop talking.

Mackenzie leaned in, so I couldnt hear what he wispered to Zack, but whatever it was made Zacks beautiful blue eyes so sad looking I wanted to go and kiss him so badly.

But what would Mackenzie think if his big sister went and made out with Santa Clause, who was suppsed to be hundereds of years old? Yuck.

''I'll-I'll do my best Mackenzie.'' Zack said, patting Zacks shoulder.

''Thanks Santa, I'd really apreciat it!''said Mackenzie happily.

I grabbed Mackenzie’s hand and pulled him out of the mall so fast I nearly tore of his arm.

I hastily wiped away my tears as I started the car, not bothering wiping of all the snow from my window shield. Thats what I needed, enough snow to hide all the tears in my heart. Tears that may never be sewn back up.

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