Kenai was already waiting by the sidewalk. He was wearing a red thermal with dark blue jeans and some black vans. "Hey." He said as he flashed a smile that was slightly crooked, but still very inviting and warm. In fact, you could say it was kind of cute and . . . attractive. Oh crap, look at me. I was calling my guardian attractive! Well, not that he wasn’t, but still.

"Hi." I said with a natural, bright smile. Even though I didn’t know much about this new, human Kenai, just being around him and knowing that I had my guardian back made me happy. I felt like just running up to him and hugging him. Of course, the guy would think I was out of my mind and never speak to me again. Yeah, I think I’ll save the hugging for after I got to know him.

"Ready for your first day at Palmer High?" I asked as I reached him. "I guess. Sorry you have to walk with me." He said. "Oh, no, it’s fine!" I said quickly. "But why aren’t you’re parents driving you?" Kenai shrugged. "I like walking. But after I get to know the area a little better, I’ll use my motorcycle to get around." My eyes widened. "You have a motorcycle?" I asked. He nodded. "A red one." He beamed proudly. "That’s so cool!" I exclaimed with a smile. Kenai laughed. "Thanks. I’ll take you for a ride sometime." I nodded. "Sure."

As we walked down Marrow Boulevard, we had a short, comfortable silence. "So, where did you use to live before you came here?" I asked. Kenai shrugged. "I’ve been around. Joseph’s a traveling business man, so we always have to move to a new place every month or so. Before here, we lived in Seattle." I nodded in acknowledgment. "So you’ll only be here for a month, then?" I asked. He shook his head. "Joe said we would be able to stay until after I finish high school." My expression brightened instantly. So he would be staying for the rest of high school.

"I haven’t been in Alaska for very long, but I can help you get around if you ever get bored." I told him. "How long have you been here?" He asked. "About 8 months. I use to live in New York with my mom, but she died so I had to move here with my dad." I told him casually, even though a twinge of pain shot through me at the thought. "Oh. I’m sorry to hear that." He said. I sighed with a sad smile. "Well, what can you do, you know?" I looked away, wanting to change the subject. "So tell me a bit about yourself." He said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Um, okay." I said awkwardly. "Well, I’m 16 years old, my favorite color is blue, I like football, I’m terrified of heights, my favorite band is Coldplay, I like Italian food, and I’m from New York. Not really much to me." Kenai put on that smirk that he would always give me when he was a bear. "Come on, there has to be more than that. What about your hobbies or your favorite animal?" I laughed. "Fine. I like drawing and reading, and I want to learn how to play piano. I couldn’t cook even if my life depended on it. I swear, I burn water." We both laughed. "Um, my favorite animals are bears, and I want to study criminal justice. Anything else you want to know?" I asked. "What about your birthday?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "You ask too many questions." I told him playfully. Kenai laughed. "Sorry." I smiled. "My birthday is August 26th." I told him. His eyes widened. "Really? My birthday is August 22nd." He told me. I raised my eyebrows. "Really? Cool. Anyways, enough about me. Tell me about you." I told him as we got on the bus.

"Okay then. I’m also 16 years old, I like Coldplay too, I play guitar, my favorite color is green, I like watching football even though I don’t like playing, I like having excitement in my life, I hate boring people, I want to study music, I like sea food, and my favorite animals are bears, too." I took everything in. I never would have guessed that if Kenai were human, he would be this way. "Oh, and unlike you, I know how to cook a little bit." He joked. "Shut up. Not everyone can cook, you know. The best I can do is a sandwich." I said. "Then make me a sandwich, woman!" He told me in a commanding voice, an amused look in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes, a stupid grin on my face. "Go make your own sandwich!" I laughed, playfully shoving him to the side. He laughed. "Fine, but I’ll have to show you how to cook so you don’t burn water anymore." I shrugged. "Suit yourself. But I might burn down the house."

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