Chapter Ten- Echopaw's Point of View.

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I hissed, pinning Mistpaw down in a split second. This was far too easy. "Aw come on Echopaw, that was the third time in a row I've lost!" Mistpaw spat, slipping out from underneath me. Shadowpaw and Darkpelt watched, their eyes gleaming with amusement. "Quit whining Mistpaw and get over here. It's my turn, you've already had your re-match!" Shadowpaw grinned, getting up and padding towards me. I smiled, narrowing my eyes. "Good luck" I smirked, un-sheathing my claws. Shadowpaw rolled her eyes. "I don't plan on using my claws, I could seriously hurt a little apprentice like you" She grinned. I leapt at her in an instant. However I missed, quickly recovering and scrambling to my paws. How had I missed that? Shadowpaw had dashed out of the way, now behind me, leaping onto my back and pinning me. I hissed in frustration. "Well done, Shadowpaw and Echopaw" mewed Dragonfang, Mudstripe and Darkpelt nodding in agreement. "Mistpaw go back to camp, you look worn out. And Shadowpaw and Echopaw can do the hunting" Mudstripe ordered. I dipped my head in respect and followed Shadowpaw into the bracken. "Mistpaw is a bit weak" I mewed, rolling my eyes. Shadowpaw flattened her ears as if to argue, but nodded her head. "I know. But don't be mean to the poor tom, he's a good friend to me" she replied, leaping over the fallen tree as did I.

"Might aswell go by the river. There's not much prey about and we need fresh-kill badly" I suggested, heading left, Shadowpaw at my side. She nodded in approval. "Bring back lots to impress Bloodstar. That way we get to be warriors quicker" she grinned, her tail fluffing out. We reached the river quickly, catching a few mice and Shadowpaw catching fish, as she used to be in Streamclan. As we padded back, she skidded to a hault. "Stop." She ordered, dropping her fresh-kill next to a tree. "Wait here". I sat and waited.

Shadowpaw had been gone a while.. better go check on her. I peeked through the branches to find her talking to two cats- A dark-grey she-cat with black markings, and a silver she-cat who was about early apprentice aged. None of them scented of a clan. "Glad to know you're both okay" Shadowpaw mewed to them, licking the grey ones ear. "I also hear I must call Bladekit a different name?". The silver she nodded enthusiastically, her blue eyes shining. "Yes, from now on I live with Panther, and I'm known as Blade" she smiled, her tail up high. So, Blade was the small silver one, and Panther was the grey one. Blade looked terribly familiar... "Bladekit!" I called out, stepping out of cover. Panther and Blade jumped back at my presence, whilst Shadowpaw hissed and flattened her ears. "Bladekit, Flamewing will be so happy to see you!". Blade shook her head at me and growled. "She wasn't my real mother . Plus, I'm not going back" she replied, her blue eyes glancing on me. I stared at her in shock. Blade was my best friend when we were kits, and she didn't want to come back for me? I spat in disgust. "Fine. Have fun with your sisters Shadowpaw, I'm going back to camp!" I hissed in frustration, storming off back into the bushes.

"Echopaw, wait!" Shadowpaw called, her tail fluffed up. I didn't answer and just kept walking. Stupid Blade. I would show her why clan cats were better than loners.

Warrior Cats: The New Clan Rises. (Book One: Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now