Chapter Eight

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Shadowpaw grinned as Cloudypaw lay limp before her. She didn't care, Cloudypaw didn't back her up when she was banished from Streamclan. Revenge was good. She harshly grabbed her scruff and dragged her over to the river, pushing her lifeless body into the water, never to be seen again. Have a nice time in Starclan, fox-dung. She spat in the water, washing the blood off her paws, then to pad back to camp. The patch where Cloudypaw had been killed was soaked with blood, meaning any cat who crossed it would realise some cat had a fight or was injured. Oh well, it's not like she would get into trouble. Shadowpaw crossed back into camp, her tail held high. "Shadowpaw, you should've been at dawn patrol today!" mewed Mistpaw, greeting her with a lick on the ear. Shadowpaw tilted her head, a confused expression on her face. "Umm.. why, what happened this time?" she huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Lightningpaw got stuck in a tree, and we had to get her down" he replied, amusement in his eyes. Shadowpaw rolled her eyes, a smirk on her expression. "What a pathetic apprentice. If you can't get down from a tree, you can't survive clan life" she spat. Mistpaw glared at her. "Don't say that, it's harsh. Doesn't matter anyway, it's not like it's going to affect you. And by the way, you're coming with me for battle training tomorrow". Shadowpaw smiled and nodded. She liked training with Mistpaw, they got along so well and were a good team. Bloodstar caught Shadowpaw's gaze, padding over to them. "Shadowpaw, since you have not done ANY hunting today, and were excused from dawn patrol, you can go tend to whatever the elders need" she said calmly. Shadowpaw's fur bristled. "Is that some kind of punishment?" she wailed, her ears flattening. Bloodstar sighed, her tail flicking to the left. "No, you just havn't done anything today. Go do as you're asked immediately". Shadowpaw rolled her eyes, running off to the elders den.

"And that's the story of how Sandclan was made" Oceanheart finished, chewing on the mouse Shadowpaw had caught for her.

"That was a great story, but when does Bloodstar enter the story?" Shadowpaw asked, checking the other elder, Marshclaw, for fleas. Oceanheart gulped down the rest of her mouse, licking her paw. "Ah, that's a story for another day. You can come back any time, it's nice to have company up here" she mewed. Marshclaw spat and lashed his tail. "What about me and the other elders? Are we not company?" he hissed. Oceanheart shook her head, sighing. "Don't be such a mouse-brain. I meant as in it's nice to have the company of helpful apprentices" she sighed. Shadowpaw stopped and dipped her paws in the lake by the elders den, washing off the mouse bile. NEVER checking for fleas again.. I can't believe Marshclaw had so many on his back. She sleepily dragged herself into the apprentice den, mewing goodnight to Mistpaw and falling asleep.

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