Chapter Nine

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"From now on, you two are known as Ferntail and Lightningstrike!" Bloodstar called, the rest of her clan cheering for the new warriors. Two moons had passed since Cloudypaw's death, and Ferntail and Lighntingstrike had finally finished their training and were made warriors. Oh great, thought Shadowpaw, now that the two weak apprentices are gone, me and Mistpaw can get some real training done. She licked her paw, glaring at Ferntail as she went past, narrowing her leaf-green gaze onto Lightningstrike. She and Mistpaw had done their battle training already, and were just relaxing for the rest of the day, since Darkpelt and Mudstripe were re-newing the scent markers. "We might aswell go hunting" Mistpaw mewed to Shadowpaw, coming up behind her as they exited through the bush tunnel. "Since well, there is only two of us, and there isn't much fresh-kill on the pile". Shadowpaw nodded, jumping over the fallen tree with ease. "We'll split up. You go by the training area, and I will go near the river, since I can catch fish". Mistpaw dashed off to the right in a hurry, his tail fluffing out behind him. Too energetic.. she thought, her paws crunching onto leaves and twigs as she padded through the forest towards the river.

Shadowpaw's ears pricked. Her gaze turned onto a mouse scuffling by the oak tree, nibbling on a seed. So far Shadowpaw hadn't caught much, so she slowly began to stalk her prey, creeping on it slowly and stealthily. Suddenly a yowl and a splash came from Shadowpaw's right, scaring the mouse off. She cursed and ran towards where the yowl came from, her senses alert. She skidded to a halt at the edge of the river, looking for where the cry came from. Mudstripe was stood at the rivers edge, a horrified expression on his face. There, in the river, drowning and spluttering, was Darkpelt. "Mudstripe, come on, help him!" she hissed, glaring at him. Mudstripe shook his head, staring at the water. "I... can't swim". Shadowpaw rolled her eyes. Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself? She braced for impact and dived into the river, grabbing onto Darkpelt's scruff, her paws frantically swimming back to the river bank. "Mudstripe! Pull him out!" she muttered from her teeth.

Mudstripe nodded, grabbing onto Darkpelt and dragging him onto the river bank, whilst Shadowpaw tried to get her grip and climb up.

"Is he waking up?" she growled, shaking the water off her fur. Mudstripe shook his head. She rolled her eyes, poking Darkpelt and licking his ear. He coughed up mouthfuls of cold water, spluttering and coughing. Shadowpaw nuzzled him, trying to push him up onto his paws. "Thank Starclan you're alright.." she sighed. Mudstripe flattened his ears, a harsh tone at his voice. "Being saved by your own apprentice.. that's shameful, Darkpelt" he growled. Shadowpaw gave him a mean look, baring her teeth. "Oh you're a fine one to talk, you can't swim either, and you just stood there and watched him drown! Get out of my sight!". Mudstripe gulped, and opened his mouth as if to say something. But there was no point in arguing with this stubborn apprentice. After all, she had just saved her mentors life. "Whatever. I'm reporting this to Bloodstar" he growled, storming off back into the forest. Darkpelt got up onto his feet, rolling his eyes. "Uhm.. thanks" he mewed, shaking his fur.

"No problem. I had to do something, right?" Shadowpaw mewed. Darkpelt shook his head. "I was talking about getting Mudstripe off my back. You can get into serious trouble for arguing with the deputy.." he pointed out, shivering slightly. Shadowpaw fluffed out her tail, her teeth gritted. "Doesn't matter. Come on, lets go back to camp and get you some fresh-kill".

When they got back, Shadowpaw found she had missed the ceremony of the new apprentice, Echopaw. "Who's the new apprentice?" Shadowpaw mewed to Dragonfang, her tail fluffing out.

"Oh thats my new apprentice, Echopaw. She's going to be training with you and Mistpaw" she beamed, happy that she had recieved another apprentice. Mistpaw and Echopaw were sat together in the apprentice den, sharing a few mice. "Woah Mistpaw, you caught a lot today" she mewed in greeting, curling up next to Echopaw. Mistpaw's eyes gleamed, locking his gaze onto hers. "Yeah well, we heard you saved Darkpelt from drowning in the river" he meowed, his spikey tail curling around himself. Shadowpaw twitched her whiskers, looking at Echopaw. "Sorry I missed your apprentice ceremony. I hear Dragonfang is your mentor" she smiled, her ears flattening. Echopaw gulped down the rest of the mouse and nodded. "Yep! I can't wait to train, I want to be a strong warrior!" she gleamed, her blue eyes shining. Shadowpaw smiled back, curling up into the corner in her nest.

"Then I'll see you in the morning for training".


OMG this chapter is so long :O I guess this makes up for how inactive I have been. And we're on chapter nine :D! Also, Echopaw belongs to someone else not me, and I will probably do the next chapter in her point of veiw. Thanks guys :)


Warrior Cats: The New Clan Rises. (Book One: Completed!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora